Media & Public Relations
The Office of Marketing & Communications is dedicated to promoting and protecting the image of Coastline College and demonstrating its tremendous value to the state of California and the world. We cultivate Coastline's media presence, build relationships with media and manage the college's media and public relations procedures and processes. We also identify, write and pitch the compelling stories that capture the unique character, events and accomplishments of Coastline College.
Press Releases
The Office of Marketing & Communications uses multiple methods and platforms for storytelling including news release distribution, social media engagement, and multimedia production.
Sharing Coastline with the World
An emphasis on global news outreach includes the distribution of news releases into the necessary languages and shared with international media along with engagement on social platforms.
Media Outreach
Telling Our Story
As a result of this work, Coastline College is featured and shared with millions of people by all forms of media, including mainstream national news outlets and influential bloggers. These clips are tracked and edited to share with the campus community through social media and our student newsletter - The Sandbox.
Coastline College Has Some of the Best Minds in Education
Our team also works closely with educators within the various departments to help promote their expertise and faculty successes.
Subject Matter Experts
Get an Interview
We encourage faculty, deans, department heads and subject matter experts to bring story ideas to our attention that align with Coastline's brand and strategic focus areas.
Public Relations/Communication Planning
The Office of Marketing & Communications can also help develop public relations/communication plans to ensure projects are comprehensive and their success is measurable. Our team works closely with departments to develop strategies for delivering effective and timely communications to internal and external audiences.
Crisis Communications
Issues Management
When a crisis arises at Coastline, the Public Information Office is a crucial part of the response team. The Public Information Office is the official conduit for accurate and timely information to the media and public while serving as a buffer to allow other members of the response team to perform their duties. In crisis response planning and preparation, this team provides expert advice for improving communications performance. The Public Information team also is continuously scanning for emerging issues in order to be ready to develop, implement and evaluate strategies to ensure that the right messages are communicated to the right audiences both internally and externally.
Fast Facts about Coastline College
Coastline College is one of California's 115 community colleges in 72 districts, which have a total enrollment of more than 2.6 million students - the largest higher education system in the world. View a snapshot of the college for more details about enrolled students - instructional modality, demographics, and more.
Media Kit: Coastline College 2021/22
General information for the media about Coastline College.
College President
- Dr. Rodriquez Bio
- Dr. Rodriquez Image
- Press Release: Coastline College Vice President of Instruction is the Recipient of The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program
- Press Release: Dr. Vincent Rodriguez is Named as the Next President of Coastline College
Coast Colleges District
Coast College's Board of Trustees
About Coastline
Coastline Fact Sheet
Groundbreaking - Student Services Center
In February 2021 Coastline College broke ground for the new Student Services Center in Fountain Valley.
General Info
- Press Release
- Ceremony Video
- Coastline College President
- Coast Colleges Board of Trustees
- Groudbreaking Event details
- Coastline Fact Sheet
There are 3 videos, each with a different vantage point and content. They can be used independently or consecutively.
View and download video renderings of new Student Services Center