Compliments and Complaints
With the exception of discrimination complaints, Coastline College students must first follow the Coastline College Student Grievance Procedures before submitting a complaint. Please start by completing the form below to communicate your complaint to the college:
Coastline/CCCD Service Complaint Form
Following the student's completion of the steps outlined in the grievance procedures, the student has the right to lodge a complaint with the California Community Colleges (CCC) State Chancellor's Office, detailed on the State Chancellor's Office complaint website:
CCC Chancellor's Office Student Complaint Procedures
The student may also lodge a complaint with the College's accrediting commission, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges:
Complaints Against Member Institutions
Grade Grievance
Submit a Grade Grievance if you believe your overall grade for a course does not accurately represent your achievements in said course due to the instructor's mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency.
Concerns about grades should be addressed as soon as possible in order to ensure availability of student and instructor records, and to permit time for a formal appeal, should one be necessary. Grade grievances will be permitted only through the end of the sixth week of the semester following the semester or summer session in which the grade was assigned.
Who will see the report? Office of Student Services, Dean of Students
Who will follow up? Dean of Students
What are next steps? TBD
Submit: Grade Grievance by emailing the Dean of Students at dos@coastline.edu.
Title IX / Sexual Misconduct
Submit a Title IX / Sexual Misconduct report if you have experienced or have knowledge of sexual harassment/ sexual misconduct, including (but not limited to) sexual assault, sexual coercion, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, cyber-stalking, retaliation, discrimination based on gender and hate crimes based on gender.
Who will see the report? Incident referred to Title IX Coordinator for administrative review and communication with affected parties (alleged violator, alleged victim/survivor, reporting party)
Who will follow up? Title IX Coordinator
What are next steps? Specific information and process details will be shared as situation permits; information may be shared with law enforcement. Resources and support provided to alleged victim/survivor and reporting party; timely, ongoing check-ins provided as needed.
Conduct / Academic Dishonesty
Submit a Conduct / Academic Dishonesty Report if the incident involves behavior that may violate the Student Code of Conduct.
Who will see the report? Incident referred to College Disciplinary Officer/Dean of Students for administrative review and notice to student.
Who will follow up? Dean of Students
What are next steps? Specific information and process details will be shared as situation permits; information may be shared with law enforcement; timely, ongoing check-ins provided as needed.
Submit: Conduct / Academic Dishonesty Report by emailing the Dean of Students at dos@coastline.edu.
Submit an Incident Report if you are worried about the health and safety of an individual - or have witnessed a student struggle academically or personally - and are unsure how to assist.
Who will see the report? Coastline's CARE Team
Who will follow up? One of our CARE Team Members
What are next steps? The CARE Team coordinates a plan to address concerns, including direct staff intervention. Specific communication with reporting party may occur as needed to coordinate care (for reports that are not information only). Timely, ongoing check-ins between student and the CARE Team will be provided as needed.
Student Assistance / Basic Needs
Submit an Intake Form for Student Assistance / Basic Needs if you are facing financial hardship and need emergency supplemental food, mental health or medical assistance, help with housing, transportation, utilities, or childcare. The Basic Needs Center can help.
Who will see the report? If there are no behavioral or issues but care is needed, incident is managed through the Student Assistance/Basic Needs. Student Assistance/Basic Needs coordinates informal check-in with student and resource referral.
Who will follow up? Basic Needs Representative
What are next steps? General information provided to reporting party regarding Student Assistance/Basic Needs actions as needed.
Bias / Discrimination
Submit a Bias / Discrimination Report if you have experienced or witnessed and incident including non-criminal conduct that is motivated by hatred or bigotry and directed at any individual, residence, house of worship, institution, or business expressly because of the target’s real or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services. Such incidents also include conduct directed against an individual or group because of their association with or advocacy on behalf of a member or members of a legally protected class.
Who will see the report? Coastline's Bias Education & Response Team (BERT)
Who will follow up? A BERT Member / Representative
What are next steps? Report is reviewed by Coastline's BERT and the reporting party will be contacted (if not anonymous). Incident will be documented.
Unlawful Discrimination
If your complaint involves a claim of unlawful discrimination, please file your complaint using the complaint form available below. Please refer to the information and materials below for further information.
Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
Student Complaint Information by State and Agency (wiche.edu)
Military, Veterans, and Dependents
Coastline encourages all students to contact our college first to attempt to resolve any complaints; however, military students, veterans, and their dependents can also seek assistance through the following sources:
- Military Students using TA benefits and Military Dependents using MyCAA may contact the Military OneSource Postsecondary Education Complaint System
- Montgomery or Post 9/11 GI Bill® recipients may contact the Department of Veterans Affairs
- Federal financial aid (e.g. Pell Grant) recipients may contact the Department of Education: ComplianceComplaints@ed.gov
- Private student loan recipients may contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
"GI Bill®" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Out-of-State Students: State Authorization Compliance
Coastline College is engaged in a continuous process to certify that it is recognized as an accredited institution of higher learning by all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Distance students residing outside of California, who wish to file a complaint must first follow Coastline's internal process. Students may file a formal complaint with their home state authorizing agency after exhausting internal avenues.
Students that live in the following states and districts cannot take Coastline courses: Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington DC. In New York, new students cannot take Coastline courses, however, continuing students can finish their program. In Kentucky, only Military students, may take Coastline courses.
October 2023 update
Please note: Whenever possible this report used language provided by the state agency through the SHEEO Survey. In some cases, email correspondence and web site reviews were also incorporated.
- Alabama
- Alabama Commission on Higher Education - Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
- Complaints for out-of-state institutions are referred to the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education (ADPE) for response. Please see the ADPE link below. For in-state institutions, contacts are posted to the ACHE website
- Alabama Commission on Higher Education
- Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education - Office of Private School Licensing Division
- Student Complaints (AL)
- Alaska
- Coastline College is exempt from authorization under A.S. 14.48, as our programs are online and the institution does not have a physical presence in the state.
- Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education
- Student Complaints (AK)
- Arizona
- Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education
- Student Complaints (AZ)
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Department of Higher Education
- Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education
- Student Complaints (AR)
- California
- Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
- Student Complaints (CA)
- *note currently only for institutions regulated by BPPE.
- Consumer Complaints
- *note that the CA AG Office may take complaints, but does not meet federal requirements for the new July 1, 2018 regulations - if they take effect.
- Colorado
- Colorado Department of Higher Education
- Division of Private Occupational Schools
- Student Complaints (CO)
- Connecticut
- The Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education
- Student Complaints (CT)
- Delaware
- Delaware Department of Education
- The Delaware Department of Education will investigate complaints. Such complaints must be in writing and verified by the signature of the person making the complaint. Oral, anonymous or unsigned complaints will not be investigated. Until the web site is functional, please write or call for more information. The Delaware Department of Education; Teacher and Administrator Quality; John W. Collette Resource Center; 35 Commerce Way; Dover, DE 19904. The Delaware Department of Education phone number is (302) 857-3388.
- District of Columbia
- Education Licensure Commission
- Public Complaints (DC)
- Florida
- Commission for Independent Education-Department of Education
- Student Complaint Process (FL)
- Georgia
- Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
- Student Complaints (GA)
- Hawaii
- Hawaii Post-Secondary Education Authorization Program
- Student Complaints (HI)
- Idaho
- Idaho State Board of Education
- Student Complaints (ID)
- Illinois
- Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Illinois BHE Complaint System
- Indiana
- Indiana Department of Workforce Development
- Office for Career and Technical Schools
- Indiana Commission on Proprietary Education
- Student Complaints (IN)
- Iowa
- Iowa College Student Aid Commission
- Student Complaints (IA)
- Kansas
- Kansas Board of Regents
- Student Complaints (KS)
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
- Consumer Complaints (KY)
- Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education
- Louisiana
- Louisiana Board of Regents
- Louisiana Board of Regents Complaint Process
- Maine
- Maine Department of Education, Office of Higher Education Services
- Student Complaint Form (ME)
- Complaints shall be addressed in writing to the Maine Department of Education, Office of Higher Education, Augusta, Maine, 04333, with specific facts and allegations and signed by the complainant. The school shall be notified of any complaints which are to be investigated. For more information, please contact Mr. Ángel Loredo, the Higher Education Specialist - Angel.Loredo@maine.gov.
- Maryland
- Coastline College is registered with the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). The institution is subject to investigation of complaints by the Office of the Attorney General or the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Complaints should be directed to:
- Maryland Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division
- 200 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
- 410-528-8662 / 888-743-0823 (toll free)
- Complaints may also be filed with the MHEC:
- 6 North Liberty Street, 10th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201
- Phone 410-767-3300
- Email: collegiatecomplaint.mhec@maryland.gov
- Website: MHEC Student Complaints
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure Office of Private Occupational School Education
- Information for Students
- Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
- Student Complaints (MA)
- Michigan
- Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
- Student Complaints (MI)
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education
- Student Complaints (MN)
- Mississippi
- Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation
- Commission on Proprietary School and College Registration
- Student and Consumer Information (MS)
- Missouri
- Missouri Department of Higher Education
- Student Complaints (MO)
- Montana
- Montana University System, Montana Board of Regents
- Student Complaints (MT)
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Department of Education, Private Postsecondary Career Schools
- Nebraska Department of Education
- Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
- Student Complaints (NE)
- Nevada
- Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education
- Student Complaints (NV)
- New Hampshire
- Department of Education, Division of Higher Education, Higher Education Commission
- Higher Education in New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- Office of the Secretary of Higher Education
- Student Complaints (NJ)
- New Mexico
- New Mexico Higher Education Department
- Student Complaints (NM)
- New York
- Office of College and University Evaluation
- Complaint Form (NY)
- Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision, New York State Education Department
- Student Complaints (NY)
- North Carolina
- The University of North Carolina Board of Governors
- Student Complaints (NC)
- The North Carolina Community College System (Office of Proprietary School Services)
- Proprietary School Student Information
- North Dakota
- North Dakota Career and Technical Education
- North Dakota University System
- Complaint Process (ND)
- Ohio
- The Ohio Board of Regents
- Student Complaints (OH)
- Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools
- File a Complaint (OH)
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
- Student Complaints (OK)
- Oklahoma Board of Career and Technology Education
- Comments or Complaints Policy (OK)
- The Oklahoma Board of Private Schools
- A Form is available by request to the OBPVS Staff, but is not required. Unless a safety or other issue requiring an in-person investigation is alleged, a "Student," complaint will be accepted and sent to the institution for a response that may then be forwarded to the complainant for further input. Nora Ann House, Director, 3700 N. Classen Blvd., Ste. 250, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, phone 405/528-3370, FAX 405/528-3366, nhouse@obpvs.ok.gov
- Oregon
- Office of Degree Authorization
- Oregon Student Aid
- Department of Education Private and Career Schools Office
- Oregon HECC Complaint Form
- Pennsylvania
- Department of Education
- Student Complaints (PA)
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Council on Education
- None Listed - in English
- Puerto Rico Department of Education
- Difficulty with google translate as well.
- South Carolina
- South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
- Student Complaint Procedures and Form (SC)
- South Dakota
- Secretary of State (South Dakota Attorney General)
- Complaint Form (SD)
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Higher Education Commission
- Complaint Process (TN)
- Texas
- Texas Workforce Commission
- Complaint Process (TX)
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
- Utah
- Utah Division of Consumer Protection
- Complaints (UT)
- Vermont
- Vermont State Board of Education
- Complaint Process (VT)
- Virginia
- Private & Out-of-State Postsecondary Education, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
- Student Complaints (VA)
- Washington
- Washington Student Achievement Council
- Student Complaint Information (WA)
- Washington Workforce Training and Educ. Coord. Board
- Student Complaints (WA)
- West Virginia
- WV Higher Educ. Policy Commission
- Complaint Process (WV)
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Educational Approval Board
- Student Complaint Process (WI)
- Wyoming
- Wyoming Department of Education
- Complaint Process (WY)
*Based upon the SHEEO (State Higher Education Executive Officers) "Compendium of (State Authorization) Laws and Regulatory Practices," this summary was created with support from WCET's (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) State Authorization Network. SHEEO and WCET collaborated in directing the work of NCHEMS (National Center for Higher Education Management Systems) in gathering, updating, and compiling the information.
Disclosure Statement
The Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) has provided this disclosure to you in compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, as regulated in CFR 34, Sections 600.9 (b) (3) and 668.43(b).
If you have concern with anything in this disclosure, please notify Coastline Community College at 11460 Warner Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. This disclosure was last revised on 11-18-2011. Nothing in this disclosure should be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints.
CCC Student Grievance Procedures (Pre-2011 Rev.)
Coastline College's mission is to guide diverse populations of students toward the attainment of associate degrees and certificates leading to career advancement, personal empowerment, and transfer. By meeting students where they are, Coastline provides innovative instruction and services designed to achieve equitable outcomes. strives to be a national model of educational excellence, opportunity and student success. Consistent with that mission, student satisfaction is paramount. We are committed to ensuring that students have access to appropriate processes for expressing their compliments about staff, faculty, administrators, or employees. If you are satisfied with your experience at the College, we want to hear about it! Please share your praise by contacting the person or department/office and complete this Coastline Service Compliment Form. Within 2 business days of receipt, we will acknowledge your submission and share your praise with the appropriate personnel.
For questions about Compliments or Complaints, please contact the Dean of Students Office at dos@coastline.edu or (714) 241-6004.
For questions about Unlawful Discrimination, please contact Human Resources at jwarren54@cccd.edu or (714) 241-6146.