Encouraging collaboration between all departments of the college.
With a commitment to participatory governance, Coastline College is committed to a holistic view of higher education.
What is Participatory Governance?
Participatory governance is a model of decision-making that places an emphasis on collaboration and democratic principles.
At Coastline, this means that the Administration seeks feedback from committees, constituency groups, councils, panels, and work groups.
Dr. Vince Rodriguez, College President
Coastline extends its gratitude for his many years of dedication and congratulates Dr. Rodriguez on becoming President of Coastline College, July 2021.
Board of Trustees
The Coast Community College District (CCCD) Board of Trustees represents the three Coast Colleges (Coastline, Golden West, and Orange Coast). The Board is a five-member elected board serving 4-year terms. One student trustee is appointed annually in May by the student governments from each campus.
(D.E.I.A. - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access) The Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College, Golden West College, and Coastline) continue to strengthen our efforts around diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. Coastline College is focused on creating a culture of inclusive excellence by uplifting employees and students through an environment that is equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible. We have a strong focus and importance on D.E.I.A. (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access).