Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC)
Meeting Schedule
- September - December / February - May
- Day: 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
- Location: Online via Zoom
Led by a mission-focused perspective and utilizing data-informed methods, the Planning, Instituional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC) aims to foster an inclusive environment that supports the achievement of equitable student outcomes. In support of continual improvement, the committee engages in ongoing dialog, collaboration, and evaluation. The committee oversees the development of the College's Educational Master Plan, accreditation activities, key performance indicators (KPIs), and the annual resource planning process. The PIEAC provides recommendations to the President through College Council.
Additional Committee Information
Coastline College Participatory Governance and Committee List 2024-2025
College Plans
Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC)