Classified Senate
Meeting Schedule
- Day: 3rd Thursday of each month
- Time: 1:30 - 3:00pm
- Location: Online via Zoom
The Classified Senate is an assembly of classified professionals/non-management personnel of Coastline College. The Classified Senate participates in the decision-making process on operational and professional matters. Classified Senate meetings are open to all Classified Professionals.
The Classified Senate supports and reaffirms the college mission, embraces a proactive role in shared governance, adds its voice in the development of policy and practices related to classified professionals, and collegially communicates among students, administration, faculty, across the District, and the governing board.
Donate to Classified Senate
Your support will greatly help Coastline College Classified Senate's Mission by providing Classified Professionals additional opportunities to participate in shared governance, communication on policies & programs, and provide opportunities for professional development and growth. We are grateful for your generosity and hope that you will take great pride in the important difference that your support makes. Thank You!
- Anna Isbell, Classified Senate President
- Luis Morales, Classified Senate President-Elect
- Michelle Neal, Classified Senate Chair of Communication and Accreditation
- Ex-Officio: Anna Isbell
- Armando Balderas, Administrative Wing Services Senator, 2024-2026
- Ramon Calvillo, Administrative Wing Services Senator, 2024-2026
- Alison Carlock, Student Services Wing Senator, 2024-2026
- Leonora Castillo, Garden Grove Campus Senator, 2023-2025
- Michelle Edison, Instructional Services Wing Senator, 2024-2026
- Minerva Guray, Le Jao Campus Senator, 2023-2025
- Anna Isbell, Instructional Services Wing Senator, 2024-2026
- Luis Morales, President’s Wing Senator, 2024-2026
- Lupe Navarro, Administrative Wing Services Senator, 2024-2026
- Michelle Neal, Newport Beach Campus Senator, 2023-2025
- Ly Tran, Student Services Wing Senator, 2024-2026
- Paolo Varquez, Fountain Valley Campus Senator, 2023-2025
2024-2025 College Committee and Council Representatives
Classified Professionals serving on College and District Committees are noted in parenthesis.
Participatory Governance Committees
- Budget Committee (Ramon Calvillo and Anna Isbell)
- College Council Committee (Anna Isbell)
- College Professional Development & Leadership Committee (Kim Bui and Anna Isbell)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justic, Antiracisum, and Accessability (DEISAA) Committee (Christopher Freeman)
- Facilities, Safety & Sustainability (Michelle Edison, Minerva Guray, Kathy Bledsoe, Kathy McKindley)
- Planning, Institutional Effectiveness & Accreditation (PIEAC) Committee (Anna Isbell and Ramon Calvillo)
- Technology Committee (Cody Pontius and Sazeda Sultana)
- Administrative Services Wing (Anna Isbell)
- Instruction Services Wing (Anna Isbell)
- Student Services Wing (Anna Isbell)
- Presidents Wing (Shanon Gonzalez)
Constituency Groups and Subcommittees
- Academic Senate (Helen Ward)
- Curriculum Committee (Michelle Edison)
- Program and Department Review Committee (Darian Aistrich)
- Classified Senate
- Classified Professional Development Work Group (Kim Bui and Anna Isbell)
- Coastline Management Team (Anna Isbell)
Ad Hoc Panels
- Emeritus Rank Designation Panel (Anna Isbell)
- Student Grievance Panel (Anita Russell)
Work Groups
- Accreditation (Anna Isbell)
- Classified Staff Recognition (Anna Isbell)
- Commencement Work Group (Gigi Linda)
- Flex (Kim Bui)
- Scholarship Selection Work Group (Helen Quach and Tina Xa)
- Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Teamwork Group (Anna Isbell)
- Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Work Group (Alison Carlock)
District Committees
- District Consultation Council (DCC) (Anna Isbell)
- DCC Sub Committee: Board Policy & Administrative Procedure (Kevin Donahue)
- DCC Sub Committee: Budget (Ramon Calvillo)
- DCC Sub Committee: Technology (Cody Pontius)
Classified Senate Scholarship Application
The Coastline College Classified Senate recognizes the important contributions of Classified Professionals towards reaffirming the college's mission and supporting student success.
Therefore, the Classified Senate will award a minimum of two scholarships to Classified employees, as shown below, and a minimum of one scholarship to hourly employees:
- Up to $1,000 for Full-Time Regular Classified Employee(s)
- A Full-Time Regular Classified Employee is defined as an employee regularly scheduled for work forty (40) hours per week, as defined in the Coast Federation of Classified Employees (CFCE) Union Agreement
- Up to $750 for Part-Time Regular Classified Employee(s)
- A Part-Time Regular Classified Employee is defined as, (a) employees regularly scheduled to work less than the full-time schedule, but at least twenty (20) hours per week; or (b) employees regularly scheduled to work less than twenty (20) hours per week, as defined in the Coast Federation of Classified Employees Agreement.
- Up to $250 for Short-Term/Hourly Employee(s)
- A Short-Term/ Hourly Employee, as defined in the Coast Federation of Classified Employees Agreement, is a person who is working less than the agreed upon limit of one hundred sixty (160) duty days in a fiscal year. Short-term employees may not work in a dual role as a student assistant.
Qualified candidates should meet the following criteria:
- Enrollment in at least five (5) units at Coastline College or at an accredited college or university during the Fall 2024 OR Spring 2025 semester(s).
- Completion of at least five (5) units with a letter grade at Coastline College or at an accredited college or university by the end of the Fall 2024 semester.
- Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) from Coastline College or at an accredited college or university by the end of the Fall 2024 semester.
- Applicant must attach all unofficial Coastline or other college transcript(s) that demonstrate the above criteria.
- Students on probation or suspension are not eligible. 2024-25 Classified Scholarship Application will open in Spring 2025. Check back for specific timeline.