Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism (DEISAA) Committee
- September - November / February - May
- Day: 4th Wednesday
- Time: 3 - 5pm
- Location: Online via Zoom
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism Committee (or DEISAA, pronounced "day-suh") coordinates the planning and implementation of activities and initiatives for advancing the College's work in these areas.
In accordance with the college mission, the DEISAA Committee facilitates a coherent and consistent approach to foregrounding these six principles across the college. The committee works to integrate race-conscious, equitable, inclusive, socially just, accessible, and anti-racist college policies and practices with one another to support all Coastline students, staff, and faculty. DEISAA also serves as an advisory committee to other governance committees, including PIEAC and College Council.
The committee supports the State Chancellor's Call to Action and the implementation of the Student Equity and Achievement plan through the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Workgroup.
Additional Committee Information
Coastline College Participatory Governance and Committee List 2024-2025