Health Sciences
There is a health science field for every interest and personality.
Make an Impact in Healthcare
Healthcare is one of today's most dynamic and growing fields. It is the largest industry in the U.S., and the second largest employer - with more than 11 million jobs - presenting a wide range of career opportunities and challenges.
Professionals of health science work in hospitals, government offices, laboratories, private research centers, dental offices, pharmaceutical companies, and public agencies, to name a few. You may choose to work hands-on with patients or concentrate on research. You may decide that nursing is a good fit or realize that more holistic, alternative medicines intrigue you. Whatever the case, it all starts here!
Available Programs
Become a professional trainer, wellness coach, or community health worker. Or start here and go on to pursue careers such as nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, physician's assistant, and medicine.
Kinesiology is the science of human movement. Kinesiology as a discipline focuses on physical activity and applies scientifically based principles to the analysis, preservation, and enhancement of human movement in all settings and populations.
Nutrition & Dietetics
This program is designed for students interested in becoming Registered Dietitians / Nutritionists, Dietetic Service Supervisors, Nutrition Assistants, Wellness Coaches who function as managers / supervisors, and Nutritional Care Specialists in health care and nutrition-related facilities.
Dedicated Faculty
Department Chair Laurie Runk, PhD, CSCS reminds us that nutrition starts in the kitchen and continues through daily activities. Learn how she simultaneously exercises her passion for teaching and inspires Coastline students to achieve overall wellness.
Department Faculty
- Lorie Eber leber@coastline.edu
- Elaf Farahat efarahat@coastline.edu
- Robert Flores rflores@coastline.edu
- Jackie Larson jlarson@cccd.edu
- Fabiane Morales fmorales31@coastline.edu
- Rachel Niehaus randerson@coastline.edu
- Nancy Parent nparent@coastline.edu
- Laurie Runk lrunk@coastline.edu *Dept. Chair
- Dorie Talmadge dtalmage@coastline.edu
- Ellis Waller ewaller@coastline.edu