Become a mathematician, financial analyst, actuary, or teacher!
Quality Education for a Fraction of the Cost
Mathematics and number sense have never been more important. Coastline math classes can help you prepare for a certificate, earn a degree, transfer to another school, advance in your career, or just understand the world better. We recognize, however, that students have a huge variety in their schedules, requirements, and background, so we've made it easier than ever to find a math class that meets your needs. The College offers classes taught by professors in a variety of formats - including classroom, cable TV, hybrid or online - in 4-week, 8-week, 12-week and 16-week sessions.
Every class except Basic Mathematics and Statistics Pathway 1 requires either a prerequisite course or a multiple measures placement. Learn more on our Assessment webpage. If you have any questions, or want information on your textbook options, contact a Math Department Chairperson.
Available Programs
Mathematics involves the study of numerical calculations, problem solving, logic, quantitative patterns, and more.
English, ESL, and Math Placement
All Coastline students are eligible to register for transfer-level English composition and Math courses, regardless of educational background.
Students' initial placement for English, ESL, or Math is based on multiple measures, beginning with the high school information a student reports on the Coastline application.
Learn more at Counseling | Assessment.
Math Center
Free Support with Mathematics
AYou can get help from many of Coastline's Math professors by signing up for the Math Center. These tuition-free services can be accessed online or in person.
Learn more about the Math Center - hours and how to enroll - at Academic Support | Math Center.
STEM Scholarship Available
If you are a STEM student in high school, college or graduate school looking to pay for your education, you should be applying for scholarships!
Careers in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Math, Environmental Science, and Physics continue to be among the most in-demand and highest-paying available. Fortunately, Coastline has financial aid opportunities and a new STEM scholarship available for students interested in a STEM education. Students can lower the financial burden of tuition without taking out loans. This new STEM scholarship will also include internship and mentorship opportunities, offering you a chance to make valuable industry connections and gain experience at the nation's prominent companies.
Department Faculty
- Alves, Mitchell malves@coastline.edu
- Can, Minh mcan@coastline.edu
- Cao, Thomas tcao@coastline.edu
- Cheng, Bing bcheng3@coastline.edu
- Cisneros, Mark mcisneros@coastline.edu
- Everett, Michael meverett@coastline.edu
- Farnham, II Paul pfarnhamii@cccd.edu
- Forbes, Junko jforbes@coastline.edu
- Horikawa, Kazumi khorikawa@coastline.edu
- Jaber, John jjaber@coastline.edu
- Kuang, Jessica jkuang@cccd.edu
- Lee, Lisa llee@coastline.edu *Dept. Chair
- Mirfattah, Mehdi mmirfattah@coastline.edu
- Nguyen, Diem dtnguyen@cccd.edu
- Nguyen, Son snguyen8@coastline.edu
- Ryan, John kryan@coastline.edu
- Ryan, Mutsuno mryan@cccd.edu
- Seto, Shoo sseto1@coastline.edu
- Shi, Nigie nshi@coastline.edu
- Shiring, Richard rshiring@coastline.edu
- Smith, Luke lsmith193@coastline.edu
- Solheid, Christa csolheid@coastline.edu
- Song, Guoqiang gsong6@coastline.edu
- Steinberg, Linda lnguen805@coastline.edu
- Tran, Chau cdtran@coastline.edu
- Tran, Duy dtran277@coastline.edu
- Villalobos, Jose jvillalobos2@coastline.edu
- Vu, HaoNhien hvu132@coastline.edu
- Yang, James jyang58@coastline.edu