Emergency Management
Prepare for law enforcement, natural disasters, and terrorist threats.
Be The One That People Count On
Whether you want to train at the police academy or work for TSA, emergency management personnel are invaluable when disaster strikes. These men and women are trained to manage emergency situations and respond to the needs of the people and areas affected in a quick and efficient manner. Emergency and disaster management professionals may be responsible for evacuating a town in danger, managing the distribution of food to people in crisis, or overseeing the provision of medical care to injured people. These people are needed in large and small emergencies.
The program's focus allows you to dig deep into this specific topic, and start applying your knowledge immediately. Coastline College has developed a computer simulation program to help the students receive hands-on experience in our newly developed Emergency Operation Center.
Available Programs
Emergency Management
Whether you're deploying emergency response workers to a disaster site or developing strategic plans as part of a command staff in an office setting, Coastline can prepare you to successfully manage any emergency.

Intelligent: Best Emergency Management Degree Program
Department Faculty
- Teresa Irvin tirvin@cccd.edu
- Ygnacio "Nash" Flores yflores27@coastline.edu
- Jason To jto14@cccd.edu