Budget Information
Coastline College is looked to as a leader within California and beyond. Coastline’s reputation in providing innovative education is a direct result of great faculty, staff, and managers who are all dedicated to student success. The continued support of Coastline staff and faculty provides Coastline with state-of-the-art education for and learners.
In the last few years, however, long-term demographic trends in our communities and a strong economy have resulted in a district-wide enrollment decline. This challenge is furthered by state underfunding of its Student Centered Funding Formula, instituted in 2018-19.
This year, the Coast District will need to make progress toward reducing deficit spending of up to $11 million. The District and Colleges will look to identify ways to get spending in line with revenues over the long term, while sustaining excellent student success outcomes.
This page will be updated as more information is available. Please also take this opportunity to share your suggestions on cost saving or revenue generating strategies.
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