Explore Associate of Arts Degrees or a Certificate of Achievement (Formerly: Gerontology)
Aging Studies
Baby boomer business is in demand, tending to the needs of an aging population. Coastline offers an education you can depend on. Like fine wine, it's time to apply yourself to a career that gets better with age.
Area of Study
Career Education: Gerontology
Explore the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of aging in a program that is becoming an important addition to every field of study.
Course Preview
Check out some of the Aging Studies (Formerly: Gerontology) courses at Coastline.
A multidisciplinary overview of the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of the aging process. This course is identical to SOC C120.
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course will explore normal versus abnormal changes in aging and the human ability to adapt. Each body system will be reviewed, focusing on how age changes relate to the development of disorders and diseases in later life. Methods of assisting older persons in adapting to acute and chronic illnesses and in health promotion and maintenance will be discussed.
This course is identical to BIOL C120. Formerly known as GERO C122.
Academic Plans
Gerontology, the interdisciplinary study of aging, offers students an understanding of their own aging and of society’s response to the increasing population of older people. Biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of aging are explored. The coursework for the Certificate of Achievement in Aging Studies will provide information about the aging process and training to work in services and agencies that interact with older people. Many of the courses are cross disciplinary and, therefore, can count towards the Certificate of Achievement as well as the general education requirements for the A.A. Degree. Coursework will also transfer as elective and general education requirements to a four-year institution.
Course Requirements / Digital Catalog Info
Aging Studies, Associate of Arts Degree
Gerontology, the interdisciplinary study of aging, offers students an understanding of their own aging and of society’s response to the increasing population of older people. Biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of aging are explored. Coursework for the program in Aging Studies will provide information about the aging process and training to work in services and agencies that interact with older people.
Course Requirements / Digital Catalog Info
Aging Studies, Certificate of AchievementFind Your Classes Online
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Coastline - CSUF Partnership
Coastline College students completing the A.A. Degree and Aging Studies Certificate of Achievement qualify for our degree partnership with CSUF. For information about the Coastline College/Cal State Fullerton degree partnership in human services and gerontology call (714) 241-6213 at Coastline College or Human Services Office, CSUF, (714) 278-2255.
Coastline - CSULB Parternship
Coastline College and CSU Long Beach have a partnership that allows a maximum of 6 units (SOC C120 and 3 units of elective courses) to be applied to CSULB's 15 unit Gerontology Minor. Contact (714) 241-6213 at Coastline College or the Gerontology Department at CSULB for further information.
Work Opportunity
Are you interested in working with Orange County residents who have disabilities?
The Dayle McIntosh Center can connect you to people with disabilities who are hiring personal care providers. Starting pay is $15.50 an hour. Having experience is not essential, but preferred. Being a care provider allows for a flexible schedule with options for part-time and full-time work.
Read more information and submit a resume for "Caregiver" via Career Coach Work Opportunities.
Support Students Studying the Aging Process
Did you know donations to our Gerontology Program under the Alumni and Support Group are tax deductible? Get more information on how to support the training and education of future Gerontology professionals!
What is Aging Studies / Gerontology?
Gerontology, the interdisciplinary study of aging, offers students an understanding of their own aging and of society's response to the increasing population of older people. Biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of aging are explored. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of Community Health Workers is projected to grow much faster than the average occupation.
Changing demographics are making the study of the aging an important addition to every field of study. Gerontology is not only a field of study to major in; it is becoming an important minor for every major. Our program strives to offer practical applications of theories in aging that can be used in everyday life.
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