Tuition & Fees
Enrollment Fee |
$46 per unit |
Health Services Fee |
$26 - Fall & Spring (effective Fall 2023) $22 - Summer (effective Summer 2024) |
College Services Charge |
$12 - Fall and Spring $12 - Summer |
Student Representation Fee |
$2 |
Parking Fee |
$40 - Fall & Spring (effective Fall 2023) $20 - Summer (effective Summer 2023) |
Non-Resident Tuition |
$388 per unit in addition to the enrollment fee listed above (effective Summer 2024 through Spring 2025) $402 per unit in addition to the enrollment fee listed above (effective Summer 2025 through Spring 2026) |
Non Resident Capital Outlay |
$51 per unit in addition to the per unit enrollment fee and Non-Resident Tuition listed above (effective Summer 2024 through Spring 2025) $39 per unit in addition to the per unit enrollment fee and Non-Resident Tuition listed above (effective Summer 2025 through Spring 2026) |
Fee Information
Enrollment Fee is subject to change by the State Legislature.
The Health Services Fee must be paid to be eligible for health services. All students enrolled in one or more courses are required to pay the Health Services Fee.
The health fee is not charged to students who are only enrolled in classes that meet the following criteria:
- courses of two weeks or less in duration
- non-credit courses
- approved apprenticeship training program
- who are incarcerated
Health Services Fee Waiver
Students who depend solely on prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization may present a Health Fee Waiver prior to the refund deadline for all classes. This is a mandatory fee unless the student presents a waiver. Click on the link to complete the Coastline College Health Service Fee Waiver Request.
Health Services Fee Refund
Students who are concurrently enrolled at more than one college within the Coast Community College District (CCCD) may request a refund of the duplicate health fee that was paid at the college at which they do not wish to receive health services. The health fee must be paid at all colleges and then refunded upon request.
Refund requests may be made beginning the third week of the semester in which a student is enrolled, but not before.
16 week and 1st Eight week classes – Beginning the third week of the semester.
Late starting classes – The day after the earliest refund deadline for enrolled classes.
Refund requests may be made through the end of the term in which a student is enrolled. To request a Health Fee Refund form, email us at CCCAdmissionsOffice@coastline.edu.
This charge underwrites many student services, classes, and programs. It is not mandatory; however, Coastline Administration and the Associated Student Government (ASG) expect students to support the college by paying the charge. A portion of each $12 charge goes to:
- instructional grants
- student scholarships
- student resources
The College Service Charge must be paid in order to receive these services.
Information about specific programs funded by this charge and requests for waiver of the charge are available and granted only in the Admissions and Records office during the registration period. Waivers must be submitted by the end of the term.
All students who register on or after January 1, 2020 are charged the Student Representation Fee. Each fee collected is divided between the Associated Student Government of Coastline College (ASG) and the recognized statewide community college student organization, Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC) to provide support for governmental affairs representatives from the two organizations who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county, state and/or federal government. The Student Representation Fee cannot be used to support individual candidates or campaigns.
Student Representation Fee Waiver
Students have the right to waive this fee by submitting a request to the Enrollment Center. The Student Representation Fee Waiver Form must be submitted prior to the earliest refund deadline for the student's enrolled classes. For questions about the waiver, contact the Admissions and Records Office by email at CCCAdmissionsOffice@coastline.edu or telephone at (714) 241-6176.
Effective Summer 2023
Students who are not California residents as defined by the Education Code are required to pay the non-resident tuition and the non-resident capital outlay fees in addition to the fees described above. Active military taking only online classes are exempt from paying the non-resident capital outlay fee.
Please note: it is the student's responsibility to prove that he/she is a California resident.
Parking Info
Registration Fee Payment Plan
Coast Community College District (CCCD) uses Cashnet® Payment Solutions, a Full Service Payment Plan (FSPP) provider.
Cashnet FSPP offers these great features:
- An installment plan with 3 monthly payments to cover current term balances
- A one-time enrollment fee
- A simple enrollment process
- Convenient electronic payments
- Easy access to manage your payment plan online
Get started today: ENROLL NOW!
- Login at CASHNET payment portal
- Select Coastline College from the drop-down list
- Any questions contact Cashnet at (800) 231-9182
International Students
If you are in the United States on a visa - the type of visa, date of issuance, and date of expiration are required to determine residence status. International students seeking an I-20 for an F-1 visa must apply through International@coastline.edu.
International Students can make tuition payments with PayMyTuition - from any bank, in any country, in any currency, at better than bank exchange rates.
Fees are subject to change without notice.
Materials Fee
Students may need to purchase materials for classes, as follows:
Required instructional materials of continuing value outside of the classroom must be paid for by the student. These are tangible materials essential to satisfy course objectives, have value to the student outside the classroom, belong to the student and may be taken home. These materials include, but are not limited to, such items as textbooks, workbooks, syllabi, computer discs, tools, uniforms and canvases. They also include materials, such as clay, that are transformed into materials of lasting value. NOTE: Some classes carry a fee for required instructional materials. These fees are for the types of materials described above. When such fees are indicated, the materials for which the fees are levied are supplied at district costs and are sold as a convenience to students. However, students may choose not to pay the fee indicated and provide the materials themselves. Students are warned that they will not be able to complete the requirements of a course if they do not purchase or provide required instructional materials.
Students are advised to provide certain instructional materials of an optional nature. These are materials that enhance a student's learning experience in the classroom, but are not essential to completion of course objectives.
Refund Policy
In Accordance with California State Regulations and Coast District Policy, registration fees will be refunded according to the following:
- Enrollment fees, Non-Resident Fees, Material Fees
100% refund of fees paid at registration for each class dropped by the refund deadline. No refund will be made after the refund deadline. There are no exceptions.
- Health Fee, College Service Charge
100% of the fees paid at registration will be refunded if the student totally withdraws from all classes by the refund deadline for each class. No refund will be made after the refund deadline. There are no exceptions.
Return the parking permit (if purchased) in-person or by mail. The Parking Permit must be postmarked or returned to the Public Safety Office on or before the earliest refund deadline on your official Student Class Program, which is available via the student tab on your MyCoast portal.
Students must officially withdraw from classes by the refund deadline (Refer to the Student Class Program/Web Schedule Bill on the Student tab of the MyCoast portal page or see Important Dates/Payments. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from classes and to verify all withdrawals.
An instructor may drop students for non-attendance. Instructors are not responsible for making sure drops are made by the refund deadline. If the student has not been dropped from the class by the instructor, the student is responsible for withdrawing from the class by the refund deadline. Students who are officially enrolled in a class after the refund deadline will not be eligible for a refund. There are no exceptions.
Refunds will be automatically processed every week beginning the first week of registration of the semester in which the fees were paid and each week thereafter until the end of the term. Refunds are not processed during the first two weeks of the fall and spring terms. Official withdrawals made in accordance with the refund policy and by the withdrawal deadline will generate a credit balance on the student account.
- Online Credit Card Payment Refunds:
Registration fee payments made by credit card through MyCoast will be refunded to the same credit card used for payment. Allow 6-10 business days for the refund to post. If the Credit Card used to pay fees is no longer valid, it is the student's responsibility to notify the Admissions and Records Office once the credit has been posted to the student's account and prior to the refund being processed. The refund will be converted to a check refund upon proper notification.
- On-Campus Payment Refunds:
Fee payments posted on campus, by cash, check, money order or credit card, will be refunded through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain correct and up-to-date address information. Addresses can be updated on MyCoast Portal, "Update Personal Information" on the home page.
Please note:
- Refunds for fees paid on campus by cash, check or credit card will be processed by BankMobile Disbursements.
- To select a refund preference, log into mycoast.cccd.edu. Once logged in, click on the BankMobile link, which will direct you to the BankMobile Disbursements website where you can select your refund option.
- Payments made by credit card online via the MyCoast student portal will be refunded to the credit card used to make the payment.
Important Information
Payments made using multiple payment methods (online credit card payments and cash, check or money order) during the current registration period will be refunded to the credit card used for online payment.
BankMobile Disbursements
Coastline College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc..
Learn more information about BankMobile Disbursements.
View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.
CashCourse Personal Finance Tool
CashCourse is a Financial Literacy Program for Coastline students. It is designed to educate and guide today’s college students in making informed financial choices and build the necessary financial skills to be successful throughout their financial lives.
Related Pages

Student ID Cards
Photos are taken in the Admissions & Records Office during normal business hours. The cost for the CCC Photo ID card is included in your college fees.

Student Services
Resources to make sure you can continue school no matter the challenge: basic needs, counseling, IT, health care, disability accommodations, and more.