Coastline College outlines important dates for the current school year on the Payments web page. Students are advised to check this page regularly for most recent updates or feel free to contact the Admissions office with further questions.
Cost & Fees
- Student Responsibility
Students are responsible for any fees incurred and grades received. It is the student's responsibility to drop classes by the State mandated refund deadline to ensure cancellation of fees, to be eligible for a refund and to avoid fee obligations. Students must print a student class program (available on MyCoast) to verify all withdrawals.
- Prior to the Start of the Term
Fees are due immediately at the time of registration. All fees must be paid including the Health Fee, College Service Charge and any Material Fees by all students, including Financial Aid students. Coastline College does not bill for registration fees. If payments are not received by the fee payment deadlines, students may be dropped from classes (including Waitlist classes) to make seats available for other students seeking to register. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from classes by the refund deadline to ensure cancellation of fees.
- Students Owing Less Than $25
Students' who have a balance due of less than $25 will not be dropped from classes, but unpaid balances will result in a hold on your account that prevents obtaining student records, including transcripts, verifications of enrollment, diplomas, etc.
- Students Owing $25 or More
Students' who have a balance due of $25 or more will be dropped from classes (including Waitlist classes) if payments are not received by the fee payment deadlines.
Non-Payment Drop Schedule
Winter / Spring 2025
Winter Start: Thursday, January 2, 2025
Spring Start: Friday, January 31, 2025
Students who are enrolled in classes when the term begins and have not paid fees WILL NOT be dropped for non-payment. Students will incur a financial obligation to the college AND a hold will be placed on their record if payment is not received or they do not drop prior to the refund deadline.
Once the term has started:
Students who register for classes after the term begins WILL NOT be dropped for non-payment. Students will incur a financial obligation to the college and a hold will be placed on their record if payment is not received. This hold will block future registration (adds, drops), obtaining transcripts, grades, diplomas, or verification of enrollment until all fees are paid.
Spring 2025 Non-Payment Drop Schedule
Students who have not paid their account balance in full may be dropped for non-payment of fees as follows:
- November 21, 2024 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between October 28 and November 14
- December 5, 2024 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between November 15 and November 28
- December 12, 2024 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between November 29 and December 5
- January 9, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between December 6 and January 2
- January 16, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between January 3 and January 9
- January 23, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between January 10 and January 16
- January 30, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For Registration between January 17 and January 29This is the final drop for non-payment for Spring 2025 registration. Any registration that has occurred through January 29 and not been paid will be dropped for non-payment
Any registration that occurs on or after January 30 will not be dropped for non-payment. Students that enroll are responsible for paying their fees or withdrawing from classes prior to the refund deadline to cancel fees.
Note: Not showing up to class for the first class meeting does not equate to withdrawing from a class. If you do not attend a class, or login if it is an online class, you must drop yourself from the class by the refund deadline. Drops are completed online via MyCoast. Please confirm your drop by printing a copy of your Student Class Program (web schedule bill).
Important: Students are responsible for any fees incurred and grades received. It is the student's responsibility to drop classes by the State mandated refund deadline to avoid fee obligations and must print a student class program (available via MyCoast) to verify all withdrawals.
Summer 2025
Start of Summer 1st Session: Monday, June 9, 2025
Start of Summer 2nd Session: Monday, June 23, 2025
Students who are enrolled in classes when the term begins, and have not paid fees, WILL NOT be dropped for non-payment. Students will incur a financial obligation to the college AND a hold will be placed on their record if payment is not received or they do not drop prior to the refund deadline.
Once the Term Has Started:
Students who register for classes after the term begins WILL NOT be dropped for non-payment. Students will incur a financial obligation to the college AND a hold will be placed on their record if payment is not received. This hold will block future registration (adds, drops), obtaining transcripts, grades, diplomas, or verification of enrollment until all fees are paid.
Summer Non-Payment Drop Schedule
Students, who have not paid their account balance in full, may be dropped for non-payment of fees as follows:
- May 8, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between April 7 and May 1
- May 15, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between May 2 and May 8
- May 22, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between May 9 and May 15
- May 29, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between May 16 and May 22
- June 5, 2025 (Thursday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between May 22 and May 29
- June 6, 2025 (Friday) at 3:00 pm: For registration between May 30 and June 5
This is the final drop for non-payment for Summer 2025 registration. Any registration that has occurred through June 6th and not been paid will be dropped for non-payment.
Any registration that occurs on or after June 7 will not be dropped for non-payment. Students that enroll are responsible for paying their fees or withdrawing from classes prior to the refund deadline to cancel fees.
Non-Payment Drop Schedule: Fall 2024
- July 11, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between May 6 and July 4 (Canceled)
- July 18, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between May 6 and July 11 (Canceled)
- July 25, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between May 6 and July 18 (Canceled)
- August 1, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between May 6 and July 25
- August 8, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between July 26 and August 1
- August 15, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between August 2 and August 8
- August 22, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between August 9 and August15
- August 23, 2024 (3:00 p.m.): For registration between August 16 and August 22
This is the final drop for non-payment for Fall 2024 registration. Any registration that has occurred through August 22 and not been paid will be dropped for non-payment.
Any registration that occurs August 23th or later will not be dropped for non-payment. Students that enroll are responsible for paying their fees or withdrawing from classes prior to the refund deadline to cancel fees.
Reminder - Class Withdrawal
Cost & Fees: Financial Aid Recipients
Financial Aid Recipients that are determined to be eligible for Federal or State Grants or Loans may not be dropped for non-payment. Financial aid students not subject to drop for non-payment receive an email indicating they will not be dropped for non-payment. Those students are responsible for dropping any classes they do not intend to take and verifying the drop by printing the "Student Class Program/Web Schedule bill. Once the financial aid award has been posted to students' account, students with a fee balance will be able to pay the balance through their MyCoast account. Students will be notified after the semester begins if they have a balance due. Note: If you do not receive this email, you are still responsible for paying your fees, or you may be dropped for non-payment. Applying for Financial Aid does not mean that you qualify for or will receive financial aid.
Cost & Fees: California College Promise Grant Recipients
(Formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver-BOGFW)
Students that receive the California College Promise Grant are responsible for paying the College Service Charge and Student Health Fee, as the Grant only waives the per unit enrollment fees. If you do not pay the College Service Charge and the Student Health Fee, you may be dropped for non-payment. Verify your payment by printing your Student Class Program (web schedule bill).
Refund Policy
In Accordance with California State Regulations and Coast District Policy, registration fees will be refunded according to the following:
- Enrollment fees, Non-Resident Fees, Material Fees
100% refund of fees paid at registration for each class dropped by the refund deadline. No refund will be made after the refund deadline. There are no exceptions.
- Health Fee, College Service Charge
100% of the fees paid at registration will be refunded if the student totally withdraws from all classes by the refund deadline for each class. No refund will be made after the refund deadline. There are no exceptions.
- Parking Permit
There are no refunds for parking permits. For more information, go to: https://www.coastline.edu/about/public-safety/parking.php
- To Be Eligible For a Refund
Students must officially withdraw from classes by the refund deadline (Refer to the Student Class Program/Web Schedule Bill on the Student tab of the MyCoast portal page or see Dates to Remember.) It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from classes and to verify all withdrawals. An instructor may drop students for non-attendance. Instructors are not responsible for making sure drops are made by the refund deadline. If the student has not been dropped from the class by the instructor, the student is responsible for withdrawing from the class by the refund deadline. Students who are officially enrolled in a class after the refund deadline will not be eligible for a refund. There are no exceptions.
- Refund Processing
Refunds will be automatically processed every week beginning the first week of registration of the semester in which the fees were paid and each week thereafter until the end of the term. Official withdrawals made in accordance with the refund policy and by the withdrawal deadline will generate a credit balance on the student account
- Online Credit Card Payment Refunds
Registration fee payments made by credit card through MyCoast will be refunded to the same credit card used for payment. Allow 6-10 business days for the refund to post. If the Credit Card used to pay fees is no longer valid, it is the student's responsibility to notify the Admissions and Records Office once the credit has been posted to the student's account and prior to the refund being processed. The refund will be converted to a check refund upon proper notification.
All requests for review of account summary must be made within a one-year grace period from the semester in which the fees were assessed. Such petitions are subject to review.
- In-Person Payment Refunds
Fee payments paid in person, by cash, check, money order or credit card, will be refunded through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Please visit BankMobile Disbursements for more information. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain correct and up-to-date address information. Addresses can be updated on MyCoast Portal, "Update Personal Information" on the home page.
- Returned Checks
Any check returned unpaid (stop payment or insufficient funds) does not constitute automatic withdrawal from class. A check returned from the bank for any reason is subject to a $25 service charge. A hold will be placed on student records for any financial obligation until the obligation is cleared.
Important Information
Payments made using multiple payment methods (online credit card payments and cash, check or money order) during the current registration period will be refunded to the credit card used for online payments.