Library Resources - Faculty
Coastline faculty are the "door" to the Coastline Online Library for many students. We are happy to work with you and enhance your classes with library resources and personal librarian support.
Faculty Support / Resources
Library Workshops in Canvas
The Coastline Library offers online Library Workshops in Canvas. Currently, we have:
- Avoiding Plagiarism Workshop (1 hour)
- Advanced APA Citation Skills Workshop (1.5-2 hours)
- Advanced MLA Citation Skills Workshop (1.5-2 hours)
- Library Orientation Workshop (1 hour)
- Internet Searching Workshop (1 hour)
- Online Privacy and Security Workshop (1 hours)
Faculty can make the Library Workshop of their choice an assignment in their course. Students who complete a library workshop earn a Certificate of Completion PDF they can upload to the assignment in Canvas. It is suggested the assignment allow students to upload the certificate late (up to five days) so the library can get things scored if there is a rush =). The date the student completes the workshop is on their Certificate of Completion. Workshops close the Thursday before the final week of the semester at 11:55pm.
Here are some suggested assignment language and the self-enroll link for the workshops.BTW - the enrollment link stays the same so faculty can use this every semester. We (the library) change the link on the backend so it will direct to the new workshop each semester.
Library Workshop Directions (for students):
Please complete the INSERT Workshop Name
- Self-enroll for the Library Workshops.
- Follow the directions for the INSERT Workshop Name and complete all sections of that workshop with 80% or higher to earn a Certificate of Completion by your class deadline. Library Workshops close the Thursday before Finals at 11:55pm.
- Note: It can take up to five business days for the Library to score your library workshop but the date you completed the library workshop will be on your Certificate of Completion. Watch: How to Find your Library Workshop Certificate after your workshop has been scored by the Library.
- Questions? Contact the Coastline Library at library@coastline.edu or call / text 714.241.6117 during business and after hours
- Coastline Policies and Regulations: Academic Integrity
- Library Workshop - Avoiding Plagiarism, see Library Workshops in Canvas
- Turnitin available in Canvas
- Student Code of Conduct - Violations start on page 21
- Report Student Academic Dishonesty
Faculty, it is a federal regulation and board policy to verify a student in your online class is who they say they are. Proctorio, a web based proctoring software is one way to do that.
This video covers:
Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)
It is the law that each semester faculty need to enter textbook information in the online bookstore, even if their class does not have a textbook or has a free textbook, so students can see the "whole cost of a class" per the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). This is called the "textbook adoption" process.
STEPS To "Adopt Textbooks"
Login to the adoption portal. There are two ways to enter the adoption portal.
- Log into MyCCC, click on Faculty Information on the navigation pane to access Barnes and Noble Bookstore adoption link.
- Log in to the Coastline BNC adoption site
Directions for adopting textbooks can be found in the BNC_User_Training_Guide_Faculty.pdf.
Pages are mentioned below to help faculty quickly get to the section they need.
- Page 6 - Course List One Click Re-Adopt
- Page 12 - Course List Guided Adoption
- Page 21 - Course List Editing an Adoption
- Page 32 - Adoption Support
- OER Materials Adoption Process.docx
Please DO NOT click the "I'm not using any materials for this course" option. Instead follow the directions for the OER Materials Adoption Process and leave a message for your student about the readings for your course.
Here are some suggested notes to leave for students (also in the OER Materials Adoption Process.docx).
- This course will use a FREE textbook available online: Enter textbook name and URL
- Purchase of print book is optional. This course will use a FREE textbook available online: Enter textbook name and URL
- All course reading material is FREE and embedded in the Canvas course.
- All course material is FREE and provided in the form of online videos/articles in Canvas.
- Students will be utilizing a free, online textbook. Instructions on how to download the textbook will be provided during the first day of class.
INSERT IMAGE : Screenshot BNC I'd like to be gided through the adoption process using zzdirect oer
INSERT IMAGE : Screenshot BNC Note for Bookstore. I'd like to be gided through the adoption process using zzdirect oer
Bookstore Directions - for OER Materials
In the BNS bookstore adoption process these are the steps to indicate you are using an OER (free textbook) and to include a message to your students.
Please DO NOT click the "I'm not using any materials for this course" option. Instead follow the directions below and in the the OER Materials Adoption Process and leave a message for your student about the readings for your course.
Here are some suggested notes to leave for students (also in the OER Materials Adoption Process).
- This course will use a FREE textbook available online: Enter textbook name and URL
- Purchase of print book is optional. This course will use a FREE textbook available online: Enter textbook name and URL
- All course reading material is FREE and embedded in the Canvas course.
- All course material is FREE and provided in the form of online videos/articles in Canvas.
- Students will be utilizing a free, online textbook. Instructions on how to download the textbook will be provided during the first day of class.
By provide consistent message for our students; we can make it easier for them to understand what is available and reduce confusion about OER materials.
My class uses OER and has a lab....Multiple Book Adoptions!
No problem. See the Information for OER and Multiple Book Adoptions
OER Resources for Faculty - find a free textbook!
- California Open Online Library for Education (COOL4Ed) - "The three State of California Higher Education Systems are working together to provide you easy access to quality FREE and OPEN eTextbooks that everyone and anyone can use for teaching and learning".
- Coastline Library - The library has a wealth of online books, articles, and videos. These resources can be linked or embedded into Canvas.
- Coastline Open Educational Resources (OER) Textbooks List A list of openly licensed textbooks faculty can use in their courses compiled by OER Coordinator Scott Davis through 2020. Search by discipline.
- MERLOT - "The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers".
- OER Commons - "OER Commons is a dynamic digital library and network. Explore open education resources and join our network of educators dedicated to curriculum improvement."
- Open SUNY Textbooks - "Open SUNY Textbooks is an open-access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York libraries and supported by SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grants".
Laws related to OER and Textbooks
- California College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 (AB 798) - "The goal of the College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 (AB 798) is to save college students money by empowering professors and local campuses to adopt high quality, free and open educational resources for course materials. Assemblywoman Bonilla (sponsor of AB 798) recognized that free and open educational resources can reduce the total cost of education for students and their families in California's higher education institutions".
- Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) - To the maximum extent practicable, each institution of higher education receiving Federal financial assistance shall-
(1) disclose, on the institution's Internet course schedule and in a manner of the institution's choosing, the International Standard Book Number and retail price information of required and recommended college textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed in the institution's course..." - SB-1359 Public postsecondary education: course materials - "This bill requires each campus of the California Community Colleges and the California State University, and would request each campus of the University of California, to identify in the online version of the campus course schedule its courses that exclusively use digital course materials, as specified, and communicate to students that the course materials for these courses are free of charge and therefore not required to be purchased".
Coastline OER Coordinator
- July 2024 - current - Laurie Runk, Kinesiology, Health, and Nutrition
- January 2022 - June 2024 - Chau Tran, Math
- July 2020 - December 2021 - Elizabeth Horan, Librarian
- Start - June 2020 - Scott Davis, English
- Board Policy 3750 Use of copyrighted material
- Administrative Procedure 3750 Use of copyrighted material