Office of Student Services
What We Do
The Vice President of Student Services Office is responsible for all student services at Coastline including Admissions & Records, Associated Student Government (ASG), Basic Needs, Career and Transfer Center, Counseling, EOPS/CARE/NextUp, CalWORKs, Financial Aid, Mental Health Services, Military and Contract Education (MCE), Rising Tide Scholars Program (justice system impacted), Special Programs & Services for Students with Disabilities, Student Life, Title IX, and Veteran Services.
Who We Are
Kate Mueller, Ed.D.
On behalf of our Student Services Team, welcome to Coastline College!
Coastline team members have a passion for empowering and encouraging the growth and experiences of our students. We believe not only in the value of a college education, but in aiding students in pursuing their goals and their dreams, in finding their purpose and their own personal mission and values.
As a Student Services Team we developed the following guiding principles which reflects our belief in our students and in each other:
- Support and encourage others to achieve their dreams
- Engage effectively
- Respond efficiently
- Value Students | Colleagues | Yourself | Coastline
- Elevate Equity
Coastline College Student Services will demonstrate an uncompromised commitment to students by elevating equitable outcomes, partnering across the college, empowering our community, demystifying the navigation of educational journeys, and providing welcoming and holistic student support.
Student Services Deans

Leighia Fleming, Ed.D. (she/her)
- Interim Dean of Students
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- Lfleming5@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6004

Natalie Schonfeld, Ph.D.
- Dean of Counseling
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- nschonfeld@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6257
Student Services Directors and Coordinators

Carlos Amescua, Ed.D.
- Director, Student Leadership and Engagement
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- jamescua@cccd.edu
- (714) 241-6134

Tom Boscamp
- Veterans Resource Center Coordinator
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- tboscamp@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6126

Roslyn Haley, Ed.D.
- Acting Director, EOPS/CARE/NextUp
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- rhaley5@cccd.edu
- (714) 241-6211

Morgan Kirk
- Manager, Basic Needs Program
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- mkirk11@cccd.edu
- (714) 241-6024

Araba Mensah
- Director, Military/Contract Education Programs
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- amensah@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6182

Christina Oja, Ed.D.
- Acting Director, Student Equity and Title IX
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- coja@cccd.edu
- (714) 241-6142

Chinh Pham
- Financial Aid Director
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- cpham15@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6240

Claudia Vernon
- Director, Mental Health Services
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- cvernon4@coastline.edu
- 714-241-6005

Jim West
- Director, Enrollment Services
- Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
- jwest@coastline.edu
- (714) 241-6163

Nick Wright
- Director, Special Programs and Services
- Newport Beach Campus
- nwright26@cccd.edu
- (714) 714-7169
Working Together
Our Student Services Teams are committed to guiding and assisting you on your academic pathway, and to making your experience at Coastline rewarding and successful.
- Visit our Welcome Center at the Student Services Center in Fountain Valley for assistance with admissions, counseling, financial aid, and more.
- Get involved in Associated Student Government and Student Clubs and Organizations.
- Let us know how we can better support you.
Explore Student Services
There is support available to aid you in achieving your goals. Coastline's Student Services provides pathways that inspire, engage and empower through values steeped in equity and excellence.
Related Pages

Admissions & Records
Find out how to apply, register, sign up for orientation, get an ID card, order textbooks, and more.

Military & Veterans
Resources for Coastline Military Students, their families and Veterans, about enrollment, submitting transcripts, tuition assistance, and lots more.
Veterans Resource Centers (VRC)
The Coastline College VRC provide Coastline Student and Community Veterans with an informative and supportive environment so that they may explore the comprehensive array of resources available to them.