Associated Student Government
The Associated Student Government (ASG) is the official voice of the student body at Coastline College. ASG is dedicated to representing and empowering the student body by fostering a vibrant, inclusive campus community. Our mission is to advocate for students' needs and interests, facilitate meaningful engagement on and off campus, and support initiatives that enhance the educational experience. Through transparent governance, collaborative leadership, and proactive outreach, we strive to create an environment where every student's voice is heard and valued, contributing to a thriving and dynamic academic community that embraces diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, accessibility, and anti racism. ASG is the official voice of students, empowered by students - together, we will not just imagine change, but boldly create it, paving the way for a future where every student can succeed and make a lasting impact.
Ways to Get Involved with ASG
ASG provides opportunities to learn about governance, advocacy, leadership, and event planning. There are many ways to get involved with ASG depending on your availability, interests, and career goals! Check out our descriptions of the ASG Executive Officer, Senator or Committee Representative roles below or review the ASG Bylaws for additional information. You can be the change at Coastline College!
Apply for Appointment: ASG Officer Position (2024-25 Academic Year)
ASG Meetings
All agenda items must be submitted at least one week in advance. ASG meetings take place each Wednesday from 9-11am during the Spring 2025 semester in a hybrid format via Zoom and at the Student Services Center (11460 Warner Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92708) Conference Room 217. Questions? Contact Alison Martell, Student Leadership Coordinator.
Join an ASG Meeting: Zoom Link
Play the video to learn more about ASG and hear from ASG alumni!
ASG Executive Officers
ASG Officers are voting members of the ASG. They represent the student voice in the campus decision-making process by serving on campus and district-wide committees, and they foster a sense of community by planning and organizing events.
Time Commitment: 6-10 hrs/month
Executive Officer Positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Public Relations Commissioner
Key Responsibilities
- Attend ASG weekly meetings
- Campus committee attendance
- ASG Events
- Executive Officer meetings
- Multi-day training prior to each semester
- Enrolled in 5+ units at Coastline; OR
- Per AB 1736, students are eligible if they are enrolled in less than 5 units and at the time of the election and throughout the student's term they:
- are enrolled in an adult education program at Coastline College or
- have a documented disability through Coastline's Special Programs & Services
- Meet and maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the community college district
For additional information, see the ASG Executive Board and Senator Officer Duties and Descriptions PDF and review the ASG Bylaws.
Senator Positions: Garden Grove, Newport Beach, Westminster - Le-Jao, Distance Learning, Military, Legislative Affairs, Campus Clubs, Student Equity and Pathways.
Time Commitment: 6-10 hrs/month
Key Responsibilities
- Attend ASG weekly meetings
- Campus committee attendance
- ASG Events
- Multi-day training prior to each semester
- Enrolled in 5+ units at Coastline; or
- Per AB 1736, students are eligible if they are enrolled in less than 5 units and at the time of the election and throughout the student's term they:
- are enrolled in an adult education program at Coastline College or
- have a documented disability through Coastline's Special Programs & Services
- Meet and maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the community college district
For additional information, see the ASG Executive Board and Senator Officer Duties and Descriptions PDF and review the ASG Bylaws.
Committee Representatives
Committee Representatives are non-voting members of the student government who attend campus committees on behalf of the ASG. For more information about Committee Representatives, please review the ASG Bylaws.
Time Commitment: 3 hrs/month
Key Responsibilities
- Attend one ASG weekly meeting per month
- Campus committee attendance
- Multi-day training prior to each semester
- Enrolled in 5+ units at Coastline; or
- Per AB 1736, students are eligible if they are enrolled in less than 5 units and at the time of the election and throughout the student’s term they:
- are enrolled in an adult education program at Coastline College or
- have a documented disability through Coastline's Special Programs & Services
- Meet and maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the community college district
Don't hesitate! Apply to join the Associated Student Government. Membership does not require that you have previous experience with student body advocacy. Only that you have a willingness to make a difference, be an advocate for your fellow students, and an interest in doing the best job you possibly can to make Coastline a better place for all who attend.
Meet Your Coastline ASG
Title | Name / Application | |
President | Amelia Le | ASG-President@coastline.edu |
Vice President | Jon Reuker | ASG-VP@coastline.edu |
Secretary | Alicia Olivares | ASG-Secretary@coastline.edu |
Treasurer | Yvonne Su | ASG-Treasurer@coastline.edu |
Commissioner of Public Relations | Jacqueline Perez | ASG-PR@coastline.edu |
Garden Grove Campus Senator | Jessie Huynh | ASG-GGCarearep@coastline.edu |
Newport Beach Campus Senator | Vacant | ASG-NBCarearep@coastline.edu |
Westminster Le-Jao Campus Senator | Ruby Ha | ASG-LJCarearep@coastline.edu |
Distance Learning Senator | Vacant | ASG-DistanceRep@coastline.edu |
Military Senator | Dion Dejurnett | ASG-Militaryrep@coastline.edu |
Campus Clubs Senator | Hasanah Chhom | ASG-ClubsRep@coastline.edu |
Equity Senator | Thalia Espinoza | ASG-Equity@coastline.edu |
Legislative Affairs Senator | Patricia Rodriguez | ASG-Legislative@coastline.edu |
ASG Documents
Here are some resources to help ASG officers with promotion and event planning:
Apply to Become an ASG Officer for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Join us! Hone your leadership skills! Boost your resume! Your voice matters to us at Coastline. Consider becoming an ASG Officer and represent your fellow students.
Coast District Student Trustee
You can apply to be the student trustee for the Coast Community College District (CCCD). For more information and application dates, check out the district's website.
Executive Board and Senator Officer Info
Executive Board of ASG Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and responsibilities for position of ASG President include the following:
- Shall be the primary representative of the Associated Student Government;
- Oversee operations of the Associated Student Government subject to the authority of the membership;
- Inspects and approves all Associated Student Government meeting agendas and assures posting in compliance with College policies and State law and distribution among ASG membership;
- Shall be responsible to chair ASG meetings;
- Serve as a permanent member of the District Student Council (DSC; BP 2900), or appoints a designee, and guarantee that no less than two ASG officers attend each DSC meeting;
- Shall attend or send a delegate to the first Board of Trustees meeting each month to provide a report on the status of Coastline ASG;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for updates from such committee;
- Works collaboratively with the Advisor on ASG operations.
Duties and responsibilities for position of ASG Vice President include the following:
- Serves as the Acting ASG President when the President is absent or the position becomes vacant;
- Assists the ASG President with the operations of ASG and may be asked to represent the ASG President at College and/or District committees and/or meetings;
- In coordination with the Advisor, conducts application and review process for representatives to serve on committees, task forces, or groups;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for updates from such committee;
- Serves as chair for Bylaws Committee which shall meet at least
Duties and responsibilities for position of ASG Secretary include the following:
- Prepares the ASG Agenda per direction and approval of ASG President. Posts and emails agenda to all current ASG Board members;
- Records and types the ASG meeting minutes of all regular, special/emergency, and Executive Board meetings. Prepares the meeting minutes no later than three (3) business days following each meeting, and distributes them to ASG and the ASG Advisor;
- In collaboration with the ASG President, assures that all ASG meeting agendas are distributed and posted at a designated College location in accordance to State law, District and College policy;
- Is responsible for official correspondence requested from the ASG President;
- Shall keep and store files of the agendas and minutes appropriately. Is responsible for maintaining all records of the ASG in the ASG office and online;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for update from such committee; and
- Other duties as assigned by the ASG President or Advisor.
Duties and responsibilities for position of ASG Treasurer include the following:
- Oversees finances, process allocations, and money approved by the ASG;
- Is responsible for making recommendations on the expenditure of ASG funds;
- Gives monthly reports to the ASG on current status of the budget and expenditures. Meets with Coastline Business Services Office, as necessary, to provide an accurate monthly financial report;
- Reviews ASG fund requisitions;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for updates from such committee; and
- Other duties as assigned by the ASG President or Advisor.
Duties and responsibilities for position of ASG Public Relations Commissioner include the following:
- Promotes ASG and recruits for membership;
- Serves as Chair of Public Relations Committee;
- Serves as the Elections Committee Chair; Prepares all election materials under the guidelines of the Elections Code. Elections Committee Chair responsibilities will be reassigned to another student officer if the PR Commissioner plans to run for a position in the election cycle.
- Prepares all promotional and informational materials to be distributed College-and District-wide (i.e. items for bulletin board, brochures, electronic info to distance learners, emails to students, social media posts, etc.);
- Coordinates publicity and press releases in coordination with the Marketing Office;
- Serves as chair for any fundraising events;
- Meets as needed with Coastline Marketing Office to promote ASG events and elections;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for update from such committee; and
- Other duties as assigned by the ASG President or Advisor.
ASG Senator Officer Duties and Descriptions
Duties and responsibilities for Area Senators include the following:
Serves as a liaison between ASG and the Coastline learning campus staff, students, and community of their designated area; Communicates on a regular basis with the area facilitator and/or learning campus dean; Distributes information on ASG events, initiatives, advocacy, and recruitment to designated area; and Shall serve on a minimum of one -
Duties and responsibilities for the position of Legislative Affairs Senator include the following:
- Attends and reports back to ASG on Student Senate of California Community College (SSCCC) Region VIII meetings and functions;
- Serve as liaison between Coastline ASG and Region VIII on legislative advocacy and interests of Coastline’s Student Body;
- Participate in SSCCC General Assembly (GA). In the event ASG does not have a Legislative Affairs Representative, the ASG President or designee, then followed by the Executive Board, will be given priority to attend SSCCC General Assembly;
- Reviews Resolution Package from SSCCC before GA and make recommendations for ASG to approve;
- May serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for update from such committee; and
- In the case of this position being vacant, the President or designee, will be the interim Legislative Affairs Senator.
Duties and responsibilities for the position of the Campus Club Senator include the following:
- Serves as a liaison between ASG and campus clubs;
- Assist in the coordination and implementation of the Join-a-Club event held during Fall and Spring semesters;
- Attend and provide training opportunities for campus clubs on club processes, ASG practices, and as topics as requested;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for update from such committee.
Duties and responsibilities for the position of Equity Senator include the following:
- Shall serve as the ASG Equity representative
- Serves as a liaison between ASG and Coastline Equity initiatives, including regular communication with the Director of Title IX and Equity, the Equity Work Group, and other initiatives as applicable;
- Shall serve on a minimum of one (1) College governance committee. Submits a report for update from each committee.
Campus Clubs
Associated Student Government (ASG) supports all campus clubs and often collaborates with them when hosting events. If you're looking for an exciting way to get involved on campus and feel more connected to the student body, campus clubs are a great place to start.
Getting involved is one of the most rewarding things you can do while you're a student at Coastline College. Check out our Campus Clubs page for a list of organizations you can join.
Student Feature: Lexi Thicksten
"I'm around a lot of different people and a lot of different backgrounds - you can see what their driving forces are. It prompts you to look at your own situation and remind yourself, 'You're doing it, you're on the right path.' It's a trajectory. It's not a fixed angle. It's the journey."
Related Pages

Student Life
Coastline encourages students to get involved with organizations or student government. Some student clubs are even available online!

Student Equity
Find assistance with food, housing, technology, and textbooks. Find community and resources with Umoja, LGBTQ+, Latinx, AAPI groups, and more.