Learn about the law AB705, why it's important, and what it means for you.
AB 705
"Equitable Placement is key to student success as students begin their college experience." -Vice Chancellor, Aisha Lowe
What is AB 705?
A California law that was passed in 2017, Assembly Bill 705 is a historic reform to dismantle structural racism and classism barriers. AB 705 requires California community colleges to maximize the probability that you will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in math and English within a one year timeframe.
Why is AB 705 important?
Evidence from numerous sources supports one key finding: you are more likely to complete transfer requirements in math and English when you are placed and enroll in transfer-level coursework.
What does it mean for students?
Coastline College no longer uses placement tests to identify the right math or English courses for you. Now, we use your academic history from high school and the information from your application to the college to inform your placements into math and English.
When determining math and English placement upon enrollment, we take into account:
- high school coursework
- high school grades
- high school grade point average
We know that your academic record is the best predictor of your likelihood to succeed at transfer-level, and we are committed to getting you on the right path by having you start your college pathway by completing transfer-level math and English. We are also invested in developing innovative instructional methods and new curricular support to help you succeed in transfer-level math and English.
Access to transfer-level courses can save time and money as you pursue your certificate, degree, or transfer goal. Remember: enrolling in transfer level math and English is your right, and we are here to support your rights around AB705!
Know Your Rights: The AB 705 Initiative and What it Means for Students
This video takes a detailed look into California's AB 705 legislation through on-screen interviews with students, educators and state officials. AB 705 builds on the work of California community colleges to reform assessment and placement policies to increase student success. Under the new law, community colleges must place students into English and math courses using high school performance. The law prohibits community colleges from denying a student entry into transfer-level math and English classes and encourages them to provide support such as advising and tutoring.