Classes to assist in your educational and personal journey.
Counseling Courses
Coastline's Counseling Department offers a range of classes intended to assist you in your educational and personal journey, helping you identify goals, create career and educational plans, explore majors and career fields, and develop student success strategies.
These classes are transferable to the CSU system and can be used towards CSU General Education Area E requirements. Counseling C104 and C105 also transfer to the UC system.
COUN C104 - Career and Life Planning
3 Units | Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
This is an introductory career and life planning course that includes an exploration of interests, skills, values, personality traits, past experiences, and life stages. Students will develop a career/life plan using gathered self-information, decision-making strategies and an awareness of psychological, sociological, and physiological factors related to career/life satisfaction. Topics will include labor market trends, major choices, cover letter and resume creation, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.
- Counseling C104 is a great fit for students who are unsure of their major or career path, have some idea but want to explore options with the assistance of a Counselor, or want to learn more about themselves through different personality and interest assessments.
- Meets General Education Requirement: Option 1: Group E; Option 2: CSU GE, Area E
- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations (COUN C104 and COUN C105: maximum credit 1 course).
- Methods of Instruction: In person, or online
- Zero Cost Texts available
COUN C105 - Strategies for College Success
3 Units | Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
This course is designed to integrate personal growth, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and academic and career success. Topics include orientation to higher education, resources, educational planning, academic integrity, study techniques, learning strategies, mindset, and personal development. Students will learn the differences between traditional classroom and distance learning environments. May be taken for a grade or on a pass-no pass basis.
- Counseling C105 is strongly recommended for new students, returning students, or any student interested in improving their success throughout their time in college.
- Meets General Education Requirement: Option 1: Group E; Option 2: CSU GE, Area E
- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations (COUN C104 and COUN C105: maximum credit 1 course).
- Methods of Instruction: In person, or online
- Zero Cost Texts available
COUN C108 - Applied Stress Management
3 Units | Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU
This course covers research-based frameworks and theories of holistic stress management. It
explores the mind-body relationship (the psychophysiology) of stress; stressors typically experienced
during an individual's college, family and working life; coping skills; and interventions. Topics include: the definition of stress, physiological and psychological effects of stress, the identification of personal stress levels and the understanding of the importance of personal responsibility for health. Numerous evidence-based techniques to manage and cope with stress will also be covered and practiced.
- Students wanting to learn techniques for addressing stress, reducing anxiety and boosting their defenses against stress-related illness that can be applied to their daily life are encouraged to register for Counseling C108.
- Meets General Education Requirement: Option 1: Group E; Option 2: CSU GE, Area E; May count as a program elective for: AA Human Services & Certificate.
- Transfer Credit: CSU
- Methods of Instruction: In person, or online
- Zero Cost Texts available
COUN C109 - Developing and Understanding Happiness
3 Units | Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU
Students will study current research and apply actionable strategies to acquire sustainable increases in well-being and productive habits. The course will explore such questions as: What is happiness and how is it measured? Do we really know what will make us happy? We will discuss how meaning, resilience, love, spirituality, relationships, and mindfulness among others, relate to happiness.
- Counseling C109 is recommended for students interested in learning research-validated strategies for improving overall well-being and living a more satisfying life.
- Meets General Education Requirement: Option 1: Group E; Option 2: CSU GE, Area E; May count as a program elective for: AA Social and Behavioral Science.
- Transfer Credit: CSU
- Methods of Instruction: In person, or online
- Zero Cost Texts available
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- Term: Spring 2025
- College: Coastline
- Subject: your choice!
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