Offering mental health services to Coastline students.
Mental Health Awareness
Improving Access & Reducing Stigmas
While the general perception of mental health conditions has improved, there are still negative stigmas attached - mostly due to media stereotypes and lack of education.
Stigma and misinformation can feel like overwhelming obstacles for someone who is struggling with a mental health condition. Here a few powerful things you can do to help:
- Show individuals respect and acceptance - those struggling with mental health should be recognized for coping with their illness.
- Advocate within circles of influence to help ensure these individuals have the same rights and opportunities as other members of your school, neighborhood, and faith community.
- Learn more about mental health - the more you know, the better you can provide help and support to those affected.
Learn more about Coastline's Student Mental Health Services.
September is Suicide Prevention Month
Hear 2 bits of information that everyone should know about suicide. Learn how to self-refer for mental health services at Coastline College.
Learn the warning signs or risk factors of suicide that indicate a person may be in immediate danger or in need of support.
The #bethe1to campaign is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s movement for suicide prevention month and beyond. This video will teach you 5 actions you can take to prevent suicide.
This video reviews some of the various resources for supporting suicide prevention and creating awareness.
What is Mental Health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. When a person is mentally well or healthy, they can realize their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and are able to make a contribution to their community.
Take a Mental Health Minute
Know how you can feel stress in your shoulders? Ever gotten an eye twitch and realized it was likely because you have so much going on? Take a quick minute to help alleviate that stress by learning this progressive muscle relaxation technique.
Journaling can have a profound effect on one's mood. Here's a quick activity to increase positive thinking and reflect on the many things for which we can be grateful.
Give your mind a chance to breathe by taking a quick break with this centering technique! Pull your mind out of whatever material you're studying and give it a chance to refocus by concentrating on where you are and what you're feeling. Follow along with one of Coastline's Mental Health Professionals in this quick exercise to rejuvenate your mind!
Remember one of the best ways to refocus during a long study session is to stretch. It can help reset both your muscles and your mind. Follow along with one of Coastline's own Mental Health Professionals in this quick, 1-minute stretch exercise!
If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a quick break with this 1-minute calming breathing exercise, presented by one of Coastline's own Mental Health Professionals!
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Health Services for Coastline Students
Health Services are available to Coastline students at two locations. Learn about the scope of services, coverages and exclusions, flu shots, FAQs, and more.

Student Mental Health Services
Coastline supports students on their journey to enhance their overall well-being through mental health services - provided in office or online. Learn more about our models of therapy and how to make an appointment.