Explore an Associate of Arts Degrees or Certificate of Achievement
Paralegal Studies
Want in on the truth? It’s an in-demand field on the rise, assisting lawyers with what’s hot and what’s not. State your claim in Coastline and make a declaration to graduate.
Areas of Study
Paralegals and Legal Assistants - Median Salary: $54,080
Assist lawyers by investigating facts, preparing legal documents, or researching legal precedent. Conduct research to support a legal proceeding, to formulate a defense, or to initiate legal action.
Academic Plans
Paralegal Studies
The American Bar Association (ABA) approves Coastline's Paralegal Studies Program. The Paralegal Program prepares personnel for the intermediary position between the legal secretary and the attorney, performing work under the supervision of an attorney. Paralegals work in law offices and other legal and law related environments and many interact with clients. A paralegal shall not provide legal advice or engage in conduct that constitutes the unauthorized practice of law including contracting with a natural person other than an attorney for the performance of paralegal services (California Business & Professions Code, Sections 6450 etseq.). This program is not intended to prepare students for law school or the practice of law.
Students who do not already possess an associate in arts or bachelor degree from a regionally accredited college or university must complete the associate degree (60 units) as specified. These requirements are in compliance with the ABA Guidelines for paralegal programs.
Degree candidate students are required to attend a paralegal orientation or a counseling session and complete the English and Math Placement Testing and Group A General Education requirements prior to entering LAW C105, LAW C118, LAW C121, LAWC390 and/or any major elective with a "LAW" designation. The remaining general education units are to be completed concurrently with the remaining paralegal courses. Students must achieve a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in each paralegal studies course.
Paralegal studies course work taken at other institutions in an ABA-approved program, with approval by the paralegal studies department, will qualify for no more than six (6) units of transfer credit in legal specialty courses in the paralegal studies certificate program. Paralegal studies courses taken for other than a letter grade are limited to seven (7) units within the 27 unit total and 21 units of paralegal course work must be completed at Coastline College. (Credit by examination is not available for courses within the Paralegal Studies Certificate.) Upon completion of the degree program, students will be awarded an associate degree in Paralegal Studies and a Certificate of Achievement in Paralegal Studies approved by the American Bar Association.
Students possessing a transferable associate in arts or bachelor degree from a regionally accredited college or university, with official transcripts on file at Coastline, will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement in Paralegal Studies approved by the American Bar Association upon completion of the 27 units of required paralegal courses. All students are required to attend a paralegal orientation or a counseling session and must achieve a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in each paralegal studies course. All students are required to demonstrate computer proficiency (see requirements).
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Analyze and communicate conclusions both orally and in writing.
- Apply legal concepts to the clients' problems.
- Apply legal ethics in the paralegal field.
Course Requirements / Digital Catalog Info
Paralegal Studies, Associate of Arts Degree
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Analyze and communicate conclusions both orally and in writing.
- Apply legal concepts to the clients' problems.
- Apply legal ethics in the paralegal field.
Course Requirements / Digital Catalog Info
Paralegal Studies, Certificate of AchievementFind Your Classes Online
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Paralegal Program Orientation
All Paralegal students are required to attend an Paralegal Program Orientation, counseling, or advising session prior to graduation. All prospective and incoming Paralegal students are recommended to attend. Check when the next one will be available!
Is Paralegal Studies right for you?
Paralegals are an important part of the legal system. Under the supervision of an attorney, paralegals work in law offices and other legal and law-related environments - and many interact with clients.
Paralegal careers explore areas of law such as bankruptcy, corporate, real estate, family, immigration, and labor. Paralegals can assist with litigation and legal transcription. This program is not intended to prepare students for law school or the practice of law, but for those who value and want to participate in legal work through research, writing, organization, communication, and teamwork.
Career Education: Paralegal Studies
Paralegal careers explore areas of law such as bankruptcy, corporate, real estate, family, immigration, and labor in order to assist with litigation and legal transcription.
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