A Prerequisite is a requirement which must be met before enrollment in a course.
Please be aware - Prerequisite Clearance Forms should be submitted at least 10 business days prior to registration. Please allow 2-5 business days for processing.
Corequisite Courses
A Corequisite is a condition of enrollment consisting of a course that a student is required to simultaneously take in order to enroll in another course.
Advisory Courses
An Advisory on Recommended Preparation is a condition of enrollment that is advised, but not required, to meet before or in conjunction with enrollment in a course or educational program.
Prerequisite Courses
Some courses require special permission or have mandatory prerequisites. If you are planning to enroll in one of these courses, you must meet one of the following:
- Your CCC placement test (results) must recommend you for the class, or
- You must have completed the prerequisite course at CCC after 1989 with a grade of C or better or be currently enrolled in it at the time or registration and subsequently earn a grade of C or better, or
- You must have completed the prerequisite course at another college with a grade of C or better. To show proof of the prerequisite completion, bring a copy of your transcript or grade report to the Admissions Office prior to enrolling.
Prerequisite / Corequisite Challenge
A prerequisite/corequisite challenge requires written documentation, explanation of alternative course work, background or abilities which adequately prepare the student for the course. A Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office for all courses that have a prerequisite.
Reasons for seeking a Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form may include one or more of the following:
- A prerequisite/corequisite is not reasonably available;
- The student believes the prerequisite/corequisite was established in violation of regulation or in violation of the District-approved processes;
- The student believes the prerequisite/corequisite is discriminatory or being applied in a discriminatory manner; or
- The student has the documented knowledge or ability to succeed in the course without meeting the prerequisite/corequisite.
The college will respond to students filing of the Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Form in a timely fashion. If the challenge is upheld the student will be cleared to register for the class. If it is not upheld, the student will need to meet the prerequisite before enrolling in the class.
Get In Touch
Admissions & Records Office
Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm
P: 714.241.6176