Your Distance Learning Provider for TEACh3 courses. All Coastline TEACh3 courses are online.
Program Planning & Course Selection
Download these suggested course grids from three of our partner institutions - CSULB, CSUF, and CSUDH - and the grid for Coastline's Liberal Studies AA Major for Teaching to use as an additional resource for selecting courses.
Start Here: Download TEACh3 Resources
- PDF 1 : CSULB Liberal Studies Transfer Credit Guide
CSULB Liberal Studies Transfer Credit Guide-Courses Available at Coastline, Golden West, Orange Coast, and other partnering Community Colleges.
- PDF 2 : CSUF Recommended Pattern for General Education Transfer Classes
CSUF Recommended Pattern for General Education Transfer Classes: CSET/ Multiple Subject Test Preparation
Supplement to existing grid: Chemistry/Physics C140 - (Survey of Chemistry, Physics) Meets B1/B3 CSU GE - Elem Ed subject matter requirement
- PDF 3 : CSUF Equivalent Community College Courses for the Liberal Studies Major
CSUF Equivalent Community College Courses for the Liberal Studies Major and for Admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program
- PDF 4 : CSUF Articulated Courses for the Child & Adolescent Development Major
CSUF Articulated Courses for the Child & Adolescent Development Major- (lower division substitutions for CSUF's CAS 101, CAS 201, SPED 371).
- PDF 5 : Coastline's Liberal Studies Major/Specialization AA Degree (for Teaching)
Coastline's Liberal Studies Major/Specialization AA Degree (for Teaching)
- Coastline Ethnic Studies requirement: CSU GE, effective Fall 2021, IGETC GE, effective Fall 2023
- For students transferring to CSUF- check with a counselor on area F and if the same course meets both area F and CSUF’s requirement of ETHS C233/Soc C233 for credential program admission
- Suggested Electives:
- Which ever class was NOT used for B1 (Survey of Chemistry and Physics- Chem / Physics 140 or Earth Science for Teachers Geol C106, can serve as an elective; (both are required for CSULB)
- Educ C101 Tutor Training
- Educ C 180 Family School Community partnerships
- Children’s Literature
- Health C100 Personal Health
- Educ C210 Introduction to Special Education
- EDUC C211 Media Literacy Toolkit for Teachers
- PDF 6 : CSUDH Liberal Studies / Teaching
CSUDH Liberal Studies / Teaching: Community College Course Substitutions NOTE: See counselor and CSUDH Advising for updates for Education 200 and other Coastline Education courses.
- PDF 7 Prior to Fall 2019 : Liberal Studies Online (Chico) Roadmap
Note: Liberal Studies on Line (Chico) Notification:
- CHEM C105: although listing CHEMC140 via Assist, LSOL will accept Chem C 105 here, for those who have already completed C105 and doing the Lib Studies).
- For Area A3 PHIL C115 is listed on the LSOL ASSIST agreement but they will accept any A3 course.
EFFECTIVE FALL 2019 Update to Coastline/ Chico Partnership
Coastline and CSU Chico Collaborate to Offer an Online BA, Liberal Studies
Part I: Enroll at Coastline into the ADT in Elementary Teacher Education or the AA, Liberal Studies.
Part II: Seamlessly transfer to CSU Chico to complete the BA, Liberal Studies Degree
Coastline offers all of the lower division courses to fulfill both General Education units and the required Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) courses (particularly Math, Science, and History)
CSU Chico offers all of the upper division courses that include the rest of the Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) requirements, credential prerequisites, and complete the 9 units of upper division General Education.
- PDF 8 : AA-T Elementary Education
The Associate in Arts in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer (AA-T), prepares students for a seamless transfer to CSU campuses that offer bachelor's degrees in Liberal Studies or Integrated Teacher Education Programs.
Reminder: AA-T Elementary Education Approved Course and degree requirements may vary at each CSU campus. For optimum course selection it is important that students consult with a Counselor and respective university transfer representative to confirm program requirements, course selection, and transferable work.
- PDF 9 : AA-T Child Adolescent Development
The Child and Adolescent Development Associate in Arts for Transfer was designed specifically to address the teacher shortage in California and as an alternative choice for students interested in the interdisciplinary field of Child and Adolescent development either as a stand-alone paraprofessional degree or a career ladder for transfer.
About TEACh3
Ultimate goals for TEACh3 students vary. Some are seeking a K-12 teaching credential while others are working towards fulfilling ECE units or fulfilling fieldwork requirements only. Some students are currently paraprofessionals already in a classroom while other may be taking a few courses just to see if they want to pursue a credential or classroom career as a paraprofessional. Still others are homeschooling parents looking to pick up some skills in teaching while some students are working on our Certificate in Educational Studies only.
Historically, Coastline has served as the District's Distance Learning Provider for TEACh3 courses. All the TEACh3 courses we offer are online. Students preferring the same courses in a traditional classroom format should check course schedules at Golden West College or Orange Coast.
New to Online Learning?
For students new to online learning or for anyone thinking they could use an extra resource to be familiar with Canvas:
- Education C094N Introduction to Online Learning & Canvas (non-credit)*
- Education C098N Managing Your Time Online (non-credit)*
*Look for these non-credit classes in Summer and Fall 2025.
Dive into Earth Science - including geology, oceanography, meteorology, planetary science, and astronomy - so you can prepare to teach these subjects within the California Science Framework.
TEACh3 Online Courses
TEACh3 Related Online Courses - Spring 2025
Check your Educational Plan, the various grids on this page, TEACh3 and/or with counseling to see where these courses offered this semester might fit on your designated pathway.
Due to constant changes in teacher education credential requirements, check with counseling and/or TEACh3 to make sure your course selections are aligned with your career and professional goals.
- EDUC C103 Tech Course, Level I Proficiencies
- EDUC C104 (The one unit ITEP and Track I Education Course for EDEL 100 at CSULB)
- EDUC C180 School, Family, Community Partnerships
- EDUC C200 The Teaching Profession
- EDUC C202 Teach Your Career (CTE/Community College Teaching)
- MATH C104 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers
- GE
- Math for Teachers courses do not have to be taken in any particular order.
- MATH C160 Introduction to Statistics (CHAD)
- CHEM/PHYS C140 Survey of Chemistry, Physics
- Meets B1& B3 CSU GE - Elem Ed subject matter requirement, AA-T Elementary Education.
- Combination chemistry/physics class for the AA-T Elementary Education, CSULB track I and ITEP, CSULB waiver program, our other articulated CSU teacher prep pathways and Coastline's AA, Liberal Studies for Teaching Major.
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
- PSYC C118 Lifespan Development (CHAD)
- PSYC C100 Introduction to Psychology (CHAD)
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature
- GEOL C106 Earth Science for Teachers (recommended GE for CHAD AA-T)
Check the schedule for additional online courses aligned with various teacher preparation programs, such as:
- BIOL C100 Introduction to Biology
- ENGL C102 Critical Reasoning, Reading, and Writing
- ENGL C140 Introduction to Literature (CSULB, CSUF)
- ENGL C150 American Literature Through the Civil War (CSULB)
- HIST C170 US History to 1876
Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Programs*
The following Coastline course has been approved and will satisfy the Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Program Admissions:
EHS C233/SOC C233 (formerly SOC C133): For students transferring to CSUF- check with a counselor on area F and if the same course meets both area F and CSUF’s requirement of ETHS C233/Soc C233 for credential program admission.
*Not to be confused with Area F. Check with CSUF for updates.
Refer to the certificates in Educational Studies and Combined Course Matrix for All Educational Studies Certificates for additional certificate course offerings.
AA-T in Liberal Studies/Elementary Education - Spring 2025
If you are earning your AA-T, below are the online classes scheduled, Elementary Education related:
- BIOL C100, BIOL C100L Introduction to Biology & Lab
- CMST C110 Public Speaking
- EDUC C200 The Teaching Profession
- ENGL C100 Freshman Composition
- ENGL C102 Critical Reasoning, Writing
- ENGL C140 Appreciation of Literature
- GEOG C100 World Regional Geography
- GEOL C106 Earth Science for Teachers (Preferred) or GEOL C105/ GEOL 105L General Geology + Lab (GEOL 106 preferred)
- HIST C161 World History I)
- HIST C170 United States History to 1876
- MATH C104 Math for Elementary School Teachers
- MUS C100 History and Appreciation of Music
- PSCI C180 American Government
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
Ethnic Studies Requirement
ETHS C233 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- See a counselor for this or other area F choices.
- CSUF requires ETHS C233 for admission to the credential program.
- CSU GE, effective Fall 2021; IGETC GE, effective Fall 2023.
List C Courses
Complete no more than 10.5 additional units from List C to meet the 60-unit degree requirement:
- EDUC C103 Technology Proficiencies for Teachers
- EDUC C104 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contemporary Classrooms
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature
- THEA C100 Introduction to Theatre
- Additional Suggestions for other CSU transferable courses that may be required by a specific CSU and/ or for students interested in a TK credential, post BA ECE/ Child Development:
- Education C180 Family, School, Community Partnerships
- Education C210 Introduction to Special Education (Available Summer 2025)
Reminder: AA-T Elementary Education course and degree requirements may vary at each CSU campus. For optimum course selection, it is important that students consult with a Counselor and respective university transfer representative to confirm program requirements, course selection, and transferable work.
AA-T - Child Adolescent Development
AA-T CHAD Required Courses:
- MATH C160 Introduction to Statistics
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
- PSYC C100 Introduction to Psychology
List A: Complete three courses from the following:
- ANTH C100 Cultural Anthropology
- or
- SOC C100 Introduction to Sociology
- or
- EDUC C180 Family, School, and Community Partnerships
- or
- BIOL C100 Introduction to Biology
- PSYC C118 Life Span Developmental Psychology
- SOC C110 Dating, Relationships, and Marriage
And a minimum of six additional units. Select from courses not completed above or from the following:
- EDUC C103 Introduction to Computers In Education: Technology Proficiencies for Teachers 1
- EDUC C104 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contemporary Classrooms
- EDUC C200 The Teaching Profession
- EDUC C210 Introduction to Special Education
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature
- MATH C104 Math for Elementary School Teachers
Students seeking a teaching emphasis for this degree should consider completing some or all of the following courses, depending on selected pathway, permit, or credential: EDUC C103, C104, C180, C200, C210; ENGL C143; MATH C104.
Coastline Ethnic Studies Requirement
CSU GE, effective Fall 2021; IGETC GE, effective Fall 2023.
ETHS C233 Racial and Ethnic Relations - see a counselor for other area F choices.
Liberal Studies Major/ Specialization AA Degree (for teaching)
Refer to PDF 5: Coastline's Liberal Studies Major/Specialization AA Degree (for Teaching)
Possible Electives
- CHEM / PHYS C140 (whichever class was not used for B1 Survey of Chemistry and Physics) or GEOL C106 Earth Science for Teachers (both are required for CSULB)
- EDUC C101 Tutor Training
- EDUC C 180 Family School Community Partnerships
- ENGL C143 Children’s Literature
- HLTH C100 Personal Health
- EDUC C210 Introduction to Special Education
- EDUC C211 Media Literacy Toolkit for Teachers
Coastline Ethnic Studies Requirement
ETHS C233 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- See a counselor for this or other area F choices.
- CSUF requires ETHS C233 for admission to the credential program.
- CSU GE, effective Fall 2021; IGETC GE, effective Fall 2023.
ITEP/Track I, Liberal Studies
Check with Counseling and/or TEACh3 for late modifications and recommended GE course selections not listed here.
- MATH C104 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (GE)
- MATH C 06 Geometry for Elementary School Teachers (GE)
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
- EDUC C103 Tech Course, Level I Proficiencies
- EDUC C104 The One unit ITEP Ed Course for EDEL 100 at CSULB
- EDUC 200C The Teaching Profession
- Several Literature classes, e.g. Engl C 140, and other classes in Areas II-VI. Note CSULB PDF and consult the CCC schedule for updated details
- CHEM/PHYS C140 Survey of Chemistry, Physics
- GEOL C106 Earth Science for Teachers
Note: Lower-division requirements for TRACK I CSULB are now identical to courses required for ITEP
Besides the above Courses, refer to CSU Chico/Coastline grades (effective Fall under TEACh3 resources) and below "Liberal Studies CSU Chico":
- EDUC C180 Family, School, Community Partnerships (elective)
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature (elective and/or Pending) to meet category/ unit requirement)
- Note: CHEM C105 no longer currently offered (Chemistry Explorations for Teachers)/ as of Spring 2008 no longer required for new ITEP students but if already on the transcript good for Liberal Studies Online, CSET prep, Foundational Science Credential (Check with Counseling and/or TEACh3 for late modifications and updates) / Replacement: 4-unit class Chemistry/Physics C140 - (Survey of Chemistry, Physics) Meets B1& B3 CSU GE - Elem Ed subject matter requirement, AA-T Elementary Education
Coastline Ethnic Studies Requirement
ETHS C233 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- See a counselor for this or other area F choices.
- CSU GE, effective Fall 2021; IGETC GE, effective Fall 2023.
Coastline and CSU Chico Collaborate to Offer an Online BA, Liberal Studies
Part I: Enroll at Coastline into the ADT in Elementary Teacher Education or the AA, Liberal Studies.
Part II: Seamlessly transfer to CSU Chico to complete the BA, Liberal Studies Degree.
Coastline offers all lower-division courses to fulfill both General Education units and the required Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) courses (particularly Math, Science, and History).
CSU Chico offers all upper-division courses that include the rest of the Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) requirements, credential prerequisites, and complete the 9 units of upper-division General Education.
- CHEM C105: although listing CHEMC140 via Assist, LSOL will accept Chem C 105 here, for those who have already completed C105 and doing the Lib Studies.
- For Area A3 PHIL C115 is listed on the LSOL ASSIST agreement but they will accept any A3 course.
PDF 7 Prior to Fall 2019 : Liberal Studies Online (Chico) Roadmap
California State University, Fullerton
In order to make informed decisions:
- Use the CSUF downloads linked here as an additional resource
- Check with Counseling and/or TEACh3 for late modifications and recommended GE course selections
- Check with CSUF's Website for latest updates
- Check with counselor if Math 106 (Geometry for Elementary School Teachers) fits into your educational plan.
Teacher Preparation Courses (related to California State University Fullerton's course grids)
- EDUC C104 and EDUC C200 and EDUC C103 - together are accepted for CSUF's EDEL 315 A/B
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature - accepted for CSUF's English 341
- MATH C104 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
CHEM C105 no longer offered, but if taken previously may still be good for Area B, Natural Sciences, CSET prep, Foundational Science Credential / Replacement: 4-unit class Chemistry/Physics C140 - (Survey of Chemistry, Physics) Meets B1& B3 CSU GE - Elem Ed subject matter requirement, AA-T Elementary Education.
Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Programs
The following Coastline course (formerly SOC C133) has been approved and will satisfy the Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Program Admissions (not to be confused with Area F):
EHS C233 / SOC C233 (Racial and Ethnic Relations in America)
California State University Fullerton - Child and Adolescent Development (CHAD) Majors
Reminder: Use Coastline's online semester schedule together with the CSUF PDF course grids for optimal selection of other Area A-E courses and, as always, check with Counseling and/or TEACh3 for late modifications and updates.
- EDUC C180 School, Family, Community Partnerships (for CAS 201)
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development (for CAS 101)
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature (Option for Elementary School Settings) (in lieu of Eng 341)
- MATH C104 Math for Elementary School Teachers (Option for Elementary School Settings) (in lieu Math 303A) Note: needs update in Assist, see counselor
Topical Classes To Be Taken at Community College
Elementary Settings:
- Math for Educators
- Children’s Literature
- Earth Science for Teachers
- Introductory Statistics
Family & Community
- Introduction to Statistics
- Human Anatomy/Physiology
Cancelled | For More Info Contact CSUF Advising, Center for Careers in Teaching
California State University, Fullerton - Integrated Teacher Education Program: Special Education / Child Adolescent Development
This is a special opportunity for students transferring from the community college to CSU Fullerton. In just two years, ITEP students earn both a Bachelor of Science in Child and Adolescent Development and a Credential in Special Education.
Classes that should be taken at Community College prior to transfer:
- For CAS 101 at CSUF: Psychology C116 (Child Growth and Development) Early Childhood, Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe
- For CAS 201 at CSUF: Education C180 (Family, School, Community Partnerships) Early Childhood, Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe
- For ENG 341 at CSUF: English C143 (Children's Literature) Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe
- For MATH 303A at CSUF- Math C 104 (Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers) (GE) Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe
Note: for SPED 371 at CSUF: Education C210 (Introduction to Special Education) Early Childhood, Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe. Offered online; Summer.
California State Univeristy Fullerton - Human Services Program
- HSVC C100 Introduction to Human Services
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
Special Education
TBA due to late-breaking changes in requirements and courses. Check with TEACh3 and/or counseling.
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Check Child Development Permits for additional options for Early Childhood Education.
- EDUC C210 Introduction to Special Education
- EDUC C180 Family, School, Community Partnerships
- ENGL C143 Children's Literature
- PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development
- PSYC C118 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
- HLTH C100 Health Education
- EDUC C104 (may require petition but meets the curricular requirement for ECE: Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contemporary Classrooms)
- EDUC C210 Introduction to Special Education (*offered in summer only)
Breaking News: a new credential is on the horizon, authorizing teaching in PK-3. New information will be posted as it becomes available.
Certificates in Educational Studies
Effective Fall 2024: Note changes to the electives list for the Educational Studies - STEM: Instructional Technology Support Concentration.
Elective Courses (3 Units) for Tech Support Certificate
Complete 3 units from the following:
- CIS C105 Introduction to Office Technology
- CYBR C101 Introduction to Cybersecurity
- DMD C100 Introduction to Digital Art and Media
- DMD C116 Visual Design (Photoshop)
- DMD C131 Digital Photography using Photoshop
- ICS C120 Introduction to Programming
- IT C104 IT Fundamentals
- LIBR C110 Library Research and Information Competency
Six new certificates have completed the approval process with Coastline, the regional CTE approving group, and the Chancellor's Office.
Certificates of Achievement
- Educational Studies - STEM: Instructional Technology Support Concentration
- Educational Studies - STEM: Math Concentration
- Educational Studies - STEM: Science Concentration
- Educational Studies: ECE Unit Concentration
- Educational Studies: Teach Your Career/ CTE Community College Teaching (for professionals with at least 6 years of experience and minimum AA)
- Educational Studies: General (formerly the Cert. of Accomplishment)
Certificate Courses can be taken now:
(same course good for multiple certificates)
- Education 101 and 103 - required courses for 3 certificates, possible elective for 1 certificate
- Education 104 - required course for 4 certificates
- Education 180 - required course for 4 certificates
New Certificate Courses:
EDUC C202: CTE/Community College Teaching
Did you ever think about teaching your career? Your major? You know your subject from years of experience but do you know how to teach it? Here is a class for you! Introduction to teaching in a community college classroom for those working in career and technical areas. Topics include course planning and organization, student diversity, learning styles, student retention, active learning strategies, and instructional methodology. A Required course for Coastline’s new certificate of achievement "Ed Studies: Teach Your Career/Community College Teaching Certificate" but open to anyone interested in teaching adults.
EDUC C211: Media Literacy Toolkit for Teachers
This course provides an opportunity for teachers to integrate social media, video and graphic tools and assessments and teaching strategies into their lessons. Participants may discuss and critically examine social, emotional and practical implications that now shape students' digital media literacy and usage. Learning the various nuances of social media platforms is key in designing effective instructional materials. Using content creation tools such as Canva and video/audio editors, students will create and repurpose digital media in the framework of how media is currently designed, shared, and consumed by students, teachers, and parents.
Email Dr. Chard-Yaron for course grids for each certificate.
Combined Course Matrix For All Edu Studies Certificates
View an accessible PDF of this grid.
X = Required Courses
Courses Community College/CTE/ Teaching Certificate - Teach Your Career (16-17 units) Educational Studies STEM: Science (16 units) Edu. Studies STEM: Math (16 units) Edu. Studies General (18 units: 12.5 required, 5.5 electives) Edu. Studies STEM: Instructional Technology Support Concentration (16 units) Educational studies ECE Unit Concentration (16 units) BIO C100 X CHEM/PHYS C140 X CIS C100 X CIS C105 possible elective CMST C100 X or ENGL C100 or CMST C110 CMST C110 X or ENGL C100 or CMST C100 possible elective CYBR C101 possible elective DMD C116 possible elective DMD C131 possible elective EDUC C101 X X possible elective X EDUC C103 X possible elective X X EDUC C104 X X X X X EDUC C180 X X X X X EDUC C200 X EDUC C202 X EDUC C210 possible elective possible elective X EDUC C211 X possible elective possible elective X ENGL C100 X or CMST C100 or CMST C110 ENGL C143 possible elective X GEOL C106 X HLTH C100 possible elective X HSVC C100 possible elective ICS C120 possible elective IT C104 possible elective LIBR C110 possible elective MATH C104 X possible elective MATH C106 X possible elective MATH C160 X PSY C116 X or 118 X PSY C118 X or 116
Breaking News
Senate Bill 153 (Chap. 38, Stats 2024), effective June 29, 2024, makes two changes to the California Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). Specifically, the bill adds a provision that allows possession of a bachelor’s (or higher) degree earned at a regionally accredited college or university to meet the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). The bill also removes the BSR as a requirement for earning any credential or permit where the applicant must hold a bachelor's degree.
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Ready to enroll?
Start signing up for classes and planning your school-life-work balanced semester! Search the Intersession / Spring 2025 Class Schedule and see when your required and elective courses are offered.
View the Class Schedule
- Term: Spring 2025
- College: Coastline
- Subject: your choice!
Note: The schedule search is unavailable from 2-4:30 am for nightly maintenance.
Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF
Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Programs*
*Not to be confused with Area F
The following Coastline course has been approved and will satisfy the Ethnic Studies Requirement for CSUF Credential Program Admissions:
EHS C233/SOC C233 (formerly SOC C133): Racial and Ethnic Relations in America
CTC Update: Important Changes
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) announced a series of sweeping new changes to the ways in which future educators can meet both the Basic Skills Requirement and Subject Matter Competency. These changes were included in the Education Trailer Bill signed by the Governor.
New Staffing Flexibilities
Subject: Executive Order N-3-22 and New Staffing Flexibilities
Summary: On January 11, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order (EO) N-3-22 which immediately enacted staffing flexibilities to help alleviate staffing issues due to the Omicron- driven rise in Covid-19 cases. The EO allows individuals who do not currently hold an Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit to receive a Temporary County Certificate (TCC) to serve in an emergency substitute assignment immediately, if the individual holds a Bachelor's or higher degree and a valid Certificate of Clearance or other Commission issued document, and the individual meets the Basic Skills Requirement. The requirements for the individual to submit an Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit application and fee to the Commission are temporarily suspended. In addition, the service limitation for long-term and day-to-day substitute assignments is extended to 120 days. These provisions expire March 31, 2022.
Timeline for Substitute Assignments
The various flexibilities created through both the Executive Order and the 2021 Budget Trailer Bill affect the number of cumulative days in which the holder can serve as a substitute for any one teacher of record’s classroom. Details on the timelines are provided below:
Credentials and Permits that Authorize Substitute Teaching
- Standard Authorization:
- 20 days for Special Education classes
- 30 days for General Education classes
- 2021 Budget Trailer Bill:
- 60 days for both General and Special Education classes
- Effective through June 30, 2022
- 60 days for both General and Special Education classes
- Executive Order N-3-22:
- 120 days for General Education classes
- Effective through March 31, 2022
- 120 days for General Education classes
Online Application Information: https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/submit-online
Contact Information
Questions regarding credential requirements and application submissions may be directed to the Commission’s Information Services Unit by email at credentials@ctc.ca.gov. Questions regarding the fingerprinting process and professional fitness review may be directed to DPPinfo@ctc.ca.gov.
- Standard Authorization:
Changes to Options to Meet the Basic Skills Requirement Signed into Law
Subject: IMPORTANT! Changes to Options to Meet the Basic Skills Requirement Signed into Law!
Summary: July 13, 2021, Governor Newsom signed budget Trailer Bill AB 130. One key provision of this law is a new coursework option for prospective educators to use to demonstrate basic skills proficiency. This new provision allows the Commission and its approved educator preparation programs to verify that a candidate has demonstrated basic skills proficiency by accepting qualifying college level coursework from a regionally accredited institution of higher education as long as the following conditions are met:
The coursework for satisfying BSR must meet the following:
- Earn a grade of "B" or better (B- would be acceptable)
- Have been taken at a regionally accredited college or university
- Three semester units (or equivalent quarter units)
- Been taken for academic credit (earned units)
- Be degree applicable (AA degree applicable is OK)
- For Reading, be in the subject of critical thinking, literature, philosophy, reading, rhetoric, or textual analysis
- For Writing, be the subject of composition, English, rhetoric, written communications, or writing
- For Mathematics, be in the subject of algebra, geometry, mathematics, quantitative reasoning, or statistics
The following coursework is NOT acceptable:
- Professional development or continuing education units
- In-service training or workshops
- Courses where credits do not apply toward the requirements for an associate's degree, baccalaureate degree, or higher degree
This provision is available to any applicant or credential candidate and may be used to meet the Basic Skills Requirement immediately. For potential educators who are applying for a credential or permit directly with the Commission, submission of official transcripts with a completed application packet is required to use this option.
This law also allows a Commission approved preparation program to accept other courses if the registrar or relevant department chair provides written documentation in support. In addition, Commission approved programs may use a mix and match from available options for candidates as well. For example, a candidate who has passed the CBEST subtests in reading and writing but not mathematics may use the two passed CBEST subtests and coursework that meets the mathematics criteria as listed above so long as the candidate earned a B or higher in that course and it was taken at a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
Prospective educators may use a single course to meet both the reading and writing requirement if they are able to obtain a letter from the English department chair where both courses were taken that confirms that the single course included significant content in both reading and writing.
For candidates completing a California preparation program, the program sponsor may verify completion of basic skills via this option. To complete a credential recommendation, each program will need to indicate how the applicant has fulfilled the Basic Skills Requirement. Programs should attach the new form 41-BSR to any credential recommendation where the candidate has met BSR by coursework or a combination of coursework and exams. Please see Leaflet CL-667 for more information.
This information provided by CERT News: https://www.ctc.ca.gov
- Dr. Chard-Yaron, Education Dept. Chair
- schard-yaron@coastline.edu
- Melissa Edson, Academic Counselor
- medson3@coastline.edu
TEACh3 Dedicated Counselor
Coastline has a counselor dedicated to helping students interested in the TEACh3 Program: Melissa Edson. Call (714) 241-6162 to schedule a counseling appointment with Melissa or email Dr. Sharon Chard-Yaron for more information at schard-yaron@coastline.edu.
What Students are Saying
"Love that this school is the only one to offer a completely online program for my degree. That is why I switched to Coastline. I had so many classes I needed for my major that I couldn't take with my work schedule - I put off these classes year after year. When I found Coastline's program I thought it was too good to be true! So happy to be graduating from here next month, it's been a great program!" -Coastline Student, Sacramento area
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Educational Studies Program
View available degrees and certificates offered by Coastline College in Educational Studies.