Info on University of California schools for Coastline transfer students.
University of California
Complete your education at the University of California with 9 campuses and over 103+ BA and BS degree choices.
The Transfer Process - Clarified
Graduate from Coastline College. Transfer to a 4-year.
Start here:
- Schedule a meeting with Counseling or call (714) 241-6162.
- Schedule a meeting with Transfer Services
Make sure your Student Education Plan (SEP) is on the UC-transfer track. Schedule an appointment with a counselor to create, update, or discuss your education plan by scheduling an appointment with a counselor or
call (714) 241-6162.
NEW! The University of California just launched its UC Transfer Hub! The Hub is your one-stop for academic planning and financial aid information for you - our community college UC-transfer bound students! Look into the UC Transfer Hub to prepare you for UC-transfer!
UC Campus Locations

Map showing UC school locations: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz.
UC has complied information on each of their nine campuses.
Go to: UC Campuses & Majors
- Click on a UC campus you are considering for transfer. A pop-up on quick facts about the campus will appear, including transfer stats.
- Click on 'Learn More' for 'Up Close' information.
- Click on 'Plan A Visit' to take a virtual tour and book an individual on-campus tour.
Transfer Services will resume campus tours once the Coast Community College District provides updated public health protocols and as buses, vans become available.
Why transfer to a UC?
- Nearly a third of UC students started at CA Community Colleges.
- Seven UC campuses on the quarter system (10 weeks).
- UC Berkeley and UC Merced on the semester system.
- Degree and learning experience from one of the world's leading public universities.
- Customize your interests through minor degrees, research, or internship opportunities.
- 80% of transfer students receive awards of up to $18,000.
- 64% of UC undergraduates pay no tuition to attend.
- If professional career requires Ph.D., M.D., or J.D.
Explore which UC Campus is right for you.
Explore which UC Campus is right for you.
UC Admission
UC transfer is highly selective and competitive. Check the GPA averages per transfer major at each UC campus. Continue to follow your Student Education Plan and earn strong grades in your courses. Need help with your courses? Coastline has tutoring services available through the Student Success Resource Center. Your Coastline instructor can also help by meeting with you during office hours, by recommending additional study resources, or suggesting study groups with class members. Coastline UC-bound transfers can apply to any of the 9 UC campuses.
Transfer Pathways
UC Transfer Pathways has 20 majors available for students who know what their major is. Through this UC pathway, students will know what community college courses are required for their specific major - at any of the 115 community colleges. Check out the 20 available majors and which UC campuses offers BA or BS degrees in the major at UC Transfer Pathways.
UC's Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program guarantees admission to highly qualified CA Community College students. Admission, to most – but not all – majors can be guaranteed to six UC campuses: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. TAG has eligibility requirements, complete an online TAG application (different from the UC application), and apply TAG to one (1) UC campus.
Transfer Admission Planner (TAP)
To apply for TAG, students must have a Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) account and start populating the planner with college courses/semesters taken. Create the TAP account early to keep on track with UC transfer goals. Beauty of this – all coursework per semester entered into TAP will be downloaded into the UC application when student is ready to apply. One section done!
To pursue TAG, students must complete the online TAG application and submit during the appropriate filing period:
- September 1-30 for Fall Admission
- May 1-31 for Winter/Spring Admission
- TAG students need to submit the UC application
Not Eligible for TAG
Students who have already earned a bachelor’s graduate and/or professional degree; students previously enrolled at a UC campus during regular term (not including summer session only who plan to return to that same campus; and students concurrently enrolled in high school at the time of TAG application submission.
What is Pathways+?
UC Pathways+ guarantees admission with TAG + takes the guesswork out of major course requirements + opportunity to graduate on time or early! If your major is available on UC Transfer Pathways and the UC campus you are applying has TAG for your major, take advantage of Pathways+!
Talk with your Coastline counselor to discuss TAG, major and GPA requirements and develop your student education plan that will allow you to transfer with a guarantee to one of the six UC campuses.
What are the required courses for your UC major? Use, a transfer tool to the UC.
Requirements for UC Majors & Degrees
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility on UC Campuses
Each UC campus offers a robust array of programs and services designed to help every student have a fulfilling and stimulating college experience.
- Students with disabilities
- Non-traditional students
- Veterans
- Current and former foster youth
- Undocumented students
- Transfer students
- Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Student Organizations and Clubs
Search 'clubs' and 'student organizations' on the UC Campus websites about which you're interested to learn more. Connecting with fellow students who share your interests can make all the difference.
The UC application is comprehensive. The UC application opens early on August 1 to provide applicants time needed to complete all sections, including Personal Insight Questions (PIQs), before the submission period October 1 to November 30, 11:59pm (PST) deadline.
UC Application for Transfer Students
UC Admission Dates and Deadlines
Fall Admission Period
- UC Fall Admission Application Period: August 1 (early access) - November 30
- UC Fall Application Submission Period: October 1 - November 30
- Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG): September 1 - September 30
- UC Fall Application Deadline: November 30, 11:59pm (PST)
Winter & Spring Admission
Three UC campuses are open for winter/spring admission: (1) UC Merced,
(2) UC Riverside, and (3) UC Santa Cruz. Check each campuses for winter or spring application and TAG deadlines.
UC Application Assistance
Get help and answers on your UC application. Check the Student Calendar for UC transfer workshops, including the annual Online Transfer Fair.
Get one-on-one UC application help by scheduling your Zoom appointment with Transfer Services!
One-on-one UC application help is available now through the UC application deadline date.
YouTube Videos: How to Start and Complete the UC Application
Step-By-Step Help on the UC Application from UC Santa Barbara
UC Application Made Easy (Tutorial) from Santa Barbara Community College Transfer Academy
Getting Help
For UC application assistance and to report computer glitches, go to or call (800) 207-1710 within the US.
Next Steps
After the UC application is submitted, check your email often for UC messages and instructions. The UC campus(es) you applied will keep you updated on the status of your application, may request additional information or documents, and when they request an official or unofficial transcript to verify what you self-reported on the application.
The UC campus (or campuses) you applied will give instructions on how to create your UC student portal. A student portal needs to be created for each of the UC campuses applied.
Petition to Graduate
Have you racked up enough units during your semesters at Coastline to graduate with a degree or certificate? Congratulations! This is a major milestone. Do not forget: you must petition to graduate. Once you've arranged for the paperwork to be completed, you can focus on celebrating and taking part in Coastline's Commencement Ceremony (held in spring).
All the details you need can be found on the Graduation page.
Related Pages

Transfer Services
Explore the transfer options and opportunities available to Coastline students to attend four-year universities.

Career Services
Coastline's Career Center provides career services to guide, provide, and empower you to figure out your path and achieve your goals.
Get In Touch
Helen Ward, Transfer Center
Fountain Valley Student Services Center
8am - 5pm
P: 714.241.6171