Where to find, how to borrow, where to purchase, and how to find classes with free textbooks.
Bookstore & Textbook Information
It's the start of a new semester! That means new faces, new subjects, and of course, new textbooks. Don't delay - check out Coastline's online bookstore and order yours today!
Coastline Bookstore
Coastline College has an online bookstore available to you 24/7. To order your books online, visit the bookstore website.
Assigned Textbook List
An Assigned Textbook list for the courses you registered for can be found in MyCoast. Visit MyCoast, select Quick Links and then Campus Bookstore (Visit the Coastline College Bookstore). This will take you to a list of books and materials for all the classes you are registered for.
Dolphin Assistance Program
Basic Needs, under the direction of Student Equity, offers the Dolphin Assistance Program (DAP). This program supports students with two textbook offerings through a book borrowing collection and/or book voucher. Review the Basic Needs Textbook Assistance webpage to review offerings and check eligibility!
How to Find Classes with Free Textbooks
It's easy! Librarian Elizabeth shows you how to do it in about a minute. Save money and take a class with a free textbook!
The Pier
A Coastline College Shop
The Pier, Coastline's online shop, offers a stellar array of gift items and apparel for students and Coastline affiliates of all ages. There are hats, bags, water bottles, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs. You'll also find special collections like Student Designs, Esports, Earth Day Sustainability, and more!