Become an auditor, bookkeeper, accountant, or tax preparer!
You Can Count On Us
Coastline College offers a variety of classes in the field of accounting. These classes are offered both on-site and online. Students find it quick and easy to complete a certificate in accounting in only a short amount of time.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that accountants at all levels will enjoy the second highest percentage increase in employment opportunities of any field for the foreseeable future. Coastline is working tirelessly to create courses, certificates, and an academic environment to ensure that our students are prepared to take full advantage of this future.
Available Programs
Coastline's Accounting program provides seamless pathways to advanced degrees, CPA candidate status, and employable expertise.
Assistance from Coastline College
IRS-certified volunteers, through Coastline, are offering this FREE tax filing assistance to families earning less than $60,000 a year. Find out more information and register or contact the VITA Program:
1-800-596-4017 x101
Department Faculty
- Kevin Erdkamp kerdkamp@coastline.edu *Dept. Chair
- Michael Gilgren mgilgren@coastline.edu
- Thomas Hoekstra thoekstra@coastline.edu
- Nelson Ildefonso nildefonso@coastline.edu
- Stephen Kroll skroll@coastline.edu
- Lisa Livingston llivingston@cccd.edu
- Jerrie Muir jmuir2@coastline.edu
- Lisa Smith Jones lsmithjones@coastline.edu